
Katie Benn

Clinical Nurse IV at MSK

Katie Benn Email & Phone number

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(646) ***-****

Katie Benn Current Workplace




Phone Number

Number of Employees

Katie Benn Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Katie Benn

Katie Benn is a Clinical Nurse IV at MSK based in New York City, New York. Previously, Katie was a Public Health Advisor at LSA Family Health Service and also held positions at Klein Buendel.Explore more

Katie Benn Current Workplace


2010-present (15 years)

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK) is the world's oldest and largest private cancer center, home to physicians, scientists, nurses, and staff united by a relentless dedication to conquering cancer. As an independent institution, MSK combines years of research and clinical leadership with the freedom to provide highly individualized, exceptional care to each patient. MSK is consistently ranked the number-one hospital for cancer care in the Northeast and among the top two cancer hospitals nationwide.

Katie Benn Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Public Health Advisor

LSA Family Health Service


Home Visiting Nurse

LSA Family Health Service


Project Coordinator

Klein Buendel


Org Chart - MSK


Clinical Nurse IV




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Katie Benn

What company does Katie Benn work for?
Katie Benn works for MSK as Clinical Nurse IV
What is Katie Benn’s role in MSK?
Katie Benn’s role in MSK is Clinical Nurse IV
What is Katie Benn’s email address?
Katie Benn’s email address is b***@mskcc.org
What is Katie Benn’s business email address?
Katie Benn’s business email address is b***@mskcc.org
What is Katie Benn’s direct phone number?
Katie Benn’s direct phone number is (646) ***-****
What is Katie Benn’s work phone number?
Katie Benn’s headquarters phone number is (212) 639-2000
What is Katie Benn’s latest job experience?
Katie Benn’s latest job experience is Public Health Advisor at LSA Family Health Service
Which industry does Katie Benn work in?
Katie Benn works in the industry of Organizations General, Organizations.
Who are Katie Benn’s peers at other companies?
Katie Benn’s peers at other companies are Annmarie Kreideweis, Brittany Guelleme, Erin Nash, Kathleen Calivo, Karolyn Varner.
Who are Katie Benn’s colleagues?
Some of Katie Benn’s colleagues are Jenna Sandker, Neeraj Harikrishnan, Salma Pathan, Sveta Mazurkova.
How can I contact Katie Benn?
Katie Benn contact details: Email address: b***@mskcc.org Phone number: (646) ***-****
Who is Katie Benn?

Katie Benn is a Clinical Nurse IV at MSK based in New York City, New York. Previously, Katie was a Public Health Advisor at LSA Family Health Service and also held positions at Klein Buendel.... Read More

Where is Katie Benn based?
Katie Benn works for MSK, located at United States
See more information about Katie Benn

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