Katia Castile

Librarian Assistant at Bowling Green State University

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(***) ***-****

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About Katia Castile

Katia Castile is a Librarian Assistant at Bowling Green State University based in Bowling Green, Ohio.

Katia Castile Current Workplace

Bowling Green State University

2009-present (16 years)

Founded in 1910, Bowling Green State University offers degrees in both undergraduate and graduate-level curriculum. The school offers degree programs in biological science, English, mathematics, media, philosophy, sociology, and technology management. Headquartered in Bowling Green, Ohio.

Org Chart - Bowling Green State University

Katia Castile

Librarian Assistant

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Katia Castile

What company does Katia Castile work for?
Katia Castile works for Bowling Green State University as Librarian Assistant
What is Katia Castile’s role in Bowling Green State University?
Katia Castile’s role in Bowling Green State University is Librarian Assistant
What is Katia Castile’s email address?
Katia Castile’s email address is c***@bgsu.edu
What is Katia Castile’s business email address?
Katia Castile’s business email address is c***@bgsu.edu
What is Katia Castile’s direct phone number?
Katia Castile’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Katia Castile’s work phone number?
Katia Castile’s headquarters phone number is (419) 372-2531
Which industry does Katia Castile work in?
Katia Castile works in the industry of Colleges & Universities, Education.
Who are Katia Castile’s peers at other companies?
Katia Castile’s peers at other companies are Laura Palmer, Nacole Shaw, Brandon Geer, Anassa Tulloch, Kellei Burrus.
Who are Katia Castile’s colleagues?
Some of Katia Castile’s colleagues are Latosha Gullatt, Ariel Kasler, Kerrie Kreisher, Jason Hartigan.
How can I contact Katia Castile?
Katia Castile contact details: Email address: c***@bgsu.edu Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Katia Castile?

Katia Castile is a Librarian Assistant at Bowling Green State University based in Bowling Green, Ohio....

Where is Katia Castile based?
Katia Castile works for Bowling Green State University, located at United States