Kathy Shaffer

Comptroller at Diepholz Auto Group

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Kathy Shaffer Email & Phone number


(217) ***-****

Kathy Shaffer Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

About Kathy Shaffer

Kathy Shaffer is a Comptroller at Diepholz Auto Group based in Charleston, Illinois.

Kathy Shaffer Current Workplace

Diepholz Auto Group

1999-present (26 years)

Visit a Diepholz Auto Group dealership in Paris, IL, or Charleston, IL, to get the Chevy, GMC, Jeep or Cadillac vehicle you need. Schedule service online now.

Org Chart - Diepholz Auto Group

Kathy Shaffer


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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Kathy Shaffer

What company does Kathy Shaffer work for?
Kathy Shaffer works for Diepholz Auto Group as Comptroller
What is Kathy Shaffer’s role in Diepholz Auto Group?
Kathy Shaffer’s role in Diepholz Auto Group is Comptroller
What is Kathy Shaffer’s email address?
Kathy Shaffer’s email address is k***@diepholzauto.com
What is Kathy Shaffer’s business email address?
Kathy Shaffer’s business email address is k***@diepholzauto.com
What is Kathy Shaffer’s direct phone number?
Kathy Shaffer’s direct phone number is (217) ***-****
What is Kathy Shaffer’s work phone number?
Kathy Shaffer’s headquarters phone number is (217) 348-0141
Which industry does Kathy Shaffer work in?
Kathy Shaffer works in the industry of Motor Vehicle Dealers, Retail.
Who are Kathy Shaffer’s peers at other companies?
Kathy Shaffer’s peers at other companies are Chrystal Mohr, Karan Box, Nancy Jackson, Bill Cowin, Dottie Mullins.
Who are Kathy Shaffer’s colleagues?
Some of Kathy Shaffer’s colleagues are Nicholas East, Adam Pair, Tyler Lunger, Brett Dyer.
How can I contact Kathy Shaffer?
Kathy Shaffer contact details: Email address: k***@diepholzauto.com Phone number: (217) ***-****
Who is Kathy Shaffer?

Kathy Shaffer is a Comptroller at Diepholz Auto Group based in Charleston, Illinois....

Where is Kathy Shaffer based?
Kathy Shaffer works for Diepholz Auto Group, located at United States