Kathleen Wilkey

Kathleen Wilkey Email & Phone number


(317) ***-****

Kathleen Wilkey Current Workplace



Number of Employees

Kathleen Wilkey Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Kathleen Wilkey

Kathleen Wilkey is a Retired at Butler University based in Indianapolis, Indiana. Previously, Kathleen was a Senior Director, Application Services at Butler University and also held positions at St. Vincent Health.

Kathleen Wilkey Current Workplace

Butler University

2013-present (12 years)

Butler University integrates liberal arts with professional education. Butler's vision seeks to create a community of students and faculty that learn by doing and strives to create a community that values hard work as an essential building block for success. The university was founded in 1855 and is headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Kathleen Wilkey Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience


Butler University


Senior Director, Application Services

Butler University


Senior System Consultant

St. Vincent Health


Senior Information Systems Consultant

St. Vincent Health


Recent News About Kathleen Wilkey

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Kathleen Wilkey

What is Kathleen Wilkey’s email address?
Kathleen Wilkey’s email address is k***@butler.edu
What is Kathleen Wilkey’s business email address?
Kathleen Wilkey’s business email address is k***@butler.edu
What is Kathleen Wilkey’s direct phone number?
Kathleen Wilkey’s direct phone number is (317) ***-****
What is Kathleen Wilkey’s work phone number?
Kathleen Wilkey’s headquarters phone number is (800) 368-6852
What is Kathleen Wilkey’s latest job experience?
Kathleen Wilkey’s latest job experience is Retired at Butler University
Which industry does Kathleen Wilkey work in?
Kathleen Wilkey works in the industry of Colleges & Universities, Education.
Who are Kathleen Wilkey’s colleagues?
Some of Kathleen Wilkey’s colleagues are Bill Weber, Claire Oosterbaan, Tayler Mikosz, Claire Aigotti.
How can I contact Kathleen Wilkey?
Kathleen Wilkey contact details: Email address: k***@butler.edu Phone number: (317) ***-****
Who is Kathleen Wilkey?

Kathleen Wilkey is a Retired at Butler University based in Indianapolis, Indiana. Previously, Kathleen was a Senior Director, Application Services at Butler University and also held positions at St. Vincent Health....

Where is Kathleen Wilkey based?
Kathleen Wilkey works for Butler University, located at United States