Kathleen Werthman

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Kathleen Werthman Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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Kathleen Werthman Work Experience Summary

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About Kathleen Werthman

Kathleen Werthman is a Program and Volunteer Coordinator at Schott Communities based in Cooper City, Florida.Explore more

Kathleen Werthman Current Workplace

The Schott Communities is a private, not-for-profit organization founded to address the needs of persons who are deaf or disabled in South Florida. The agency is an extension of the ministry of the Archdiocese of Miami for persons who are deaf or disabled. Unique to Florida, Schott Communities develops residential housing for the deaf or disabled; designs programs to assist clients develop skills for independent living; offers clients counseling services and educational programs to promote self-sufficiency, and provides clients with social, recreational and spiritual opportunities to enhance their quality and enjoyment of life. In an environment of caring and dignity, persons who are deaf or disabled are encouraged and challenged to grow in self-acceptance and independence. The Schott Center provides social and educational programs to more than 225 persons who are deaf or disabled living in the local communities as well as in Schott residences. In addition to its scheduled programs andSee more

Kathleen Werthman Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Program and Volunteer Coordinator

Schott Communities


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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Kathleen Werthman

What is Kathleen Werthman’s email address?
Kathleen Werthman’s email address is k***@schottcommunities.org
What is Kathleen Werthman’s business email address?
Kathleen Werthman’s business email address is k***@schottcommunities.org
What is Kathleen Werthman’s direct phone number?
Kathleen Werthman’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Kathleen Werthman’s work phone number?
Kathleen Werthman’s headquarters phone number is (954) 434-3306
Which industry does Kathleen Werthman work in?
Kathleen Werthman works in the industry of Charitable Organizations & Foundations, Organizations.
Who are Kathleen Werthman’s peers at other companies?
Kathleen Werthman’s peers at other companies are Christie John, Megan Schapansky, Laura Trotter, Hannah Dash, Stacy Merrells.
Who are Kathleen Werthman’s colleagues?
Some of Kathleen Werthman’s colleagues are Audrey Brown, April Saler, Diane Victoria, Franncia Charlot.
How can I contact Kathleen Werthman?
Kathleen Werthman contact details: Email address: k***@schottcommunities.org Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Kathleen Werthman?

Kathleen Werthman is a Program and Volunteer Coordinator at Schott Communities based in Cooper City, Florida.... Read More

Where is Kathleen Werthman based?
Kathleen Werthman works for Schott Communities, located at United States
See more information about Kathleen Werthman

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