2008-present (17 years)
Kathleen Barker Email & Phone number
Kathleen Barker Current Workplace
820 E Enos Dr, Santa Maria, California, 93454, United States
Phone Number
(805) 928-8257
Number of Employees
Kathleen Barker Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
2Number of job titles
2About Kathleen Barker
Kathleen Barker is a Massage Therapist at Santa Maria Valley Physical Therapy Group based in Santa Maria, California.
Kathleen received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Chapman University.
Kathleen Barker Current Workplace
Santa Maria Valley Physical Therapy Group
Santa Maria Valley Physical Therapy is an outpatient clinic providing quality care to the Santa Maria community since 1985. Their services include occupational therapy, pelvic health, aquatic therapy, and exercise education classes, with a focus on keeping clients moving and active. The clinic also offers specialized treatments for women's health, sports rehabilitation, and core rehabilitation. Led by experienced professionals like Samantha Stollberg, PT, PRPC, and Karen Bailey, PT, who specialize in pelvic health.
Kathleen Barker Work Experience & Education
Number of companies worked for
2Number of job titles
2Work Experience
State and Nationally Certified Massage Therapist
Kathy Barker, CMT1990-
Bachelor of Arts
Chapman UniversityRecent News About Kathleen Barker
Kathy Barker , CMT Kathy continually enhances her practice with ongoing course work in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork Techniques by attending semi...
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Kathleen Barker
Kathleen Barker is a Massage Therapist at Santa Maria Valley Physical Therapy Group based in Santa Maria, California. Kathleen received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Chapman University....