Kathleen Albrektson

Partner at Albrektson & Shumate

Kathleen Albrektson Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Kathleen Albrektson Current Workplace



Number of Employees

Kathleen Albrektson Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Kathleen Albrektson

Kathleen Albrektson is a Partner at Albrektson & Shumate, a law firm based in Redlands, United States. She is responsible for overseeing various legal matters and client relationships. Prior to her current role, Albrektson served as the Principal Attorney at Albrektson & Shumate, leveraging her extensive experience in the legal field. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Duke University, which has equipped her with the necessary knowledge and skills to excel in her profession.

Kathleen Albrektson Current Workplace

Albrektson & Shumate

2013-present (12 years)

A proper estate plan begins with a consultation with an expert. That's why at Albrektson & Shumate LLP every client meets first with one of our attorneys to assess needs on an individual basis.

Kathleen Albrektson Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Principal Attorney

Albrektson & Shumate




Bachelor of Arts - Religion

Duke University

Master of Arts - Biblical Studies

International School of Theology

Doctor of Jurisprudence

University of Laverne College of Law

Org Chart - Albrektson & Shumate

Kathleen Albrektson


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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Kathleen Albrektson

What company does Kathleen Albrektson work for?
Kathleen Albrektson works for Albrektson & Shumate as Partner
What is Kathleen Albrektson’s role in Albrektson & Shumate?
Kathleen Albrektson’s role in Albrektson & Shumate is Partner
What is Kathleen Albrektson’s direct phone number?
Kathleen Albrektson’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Kathleen Albrektson’s work phone number?
Kathleen Albrektson’s headquarters phone number is (909) 335-9658
What is Kathleen Albrektson’s latest job experience?
Kathleen Albrektson’s latest job experience is Principal Attorney at Albrektson & Shumate
What is Kathleen Albrektson’s latest education?
Kathleen Albrektson’s latest education in Bachelor of Arts - Religion at Duke University
Which industry does Kathleen Albrektson work in?
Kathleen Albrektson works in the industry of Law Firms & Legal Services.
Who are Kathleen Albrektson’s peers at other companies?
Kathleen Albrektson’s peers at other companies are Samuel Schonhoffer, Andrew Cohen, Marc Mucciolo, Brian Rowlson, Stanley Grossman.
Who are Kathleen Albrektson’s colleagues?
Some of Kathleen Albrektson’s colleagues are Jordan Quinley, Christopher Shumate.
Who is Kathleen Albrektson?

Kathleen Albrektson is a Partner at Albrektson & Shumate, a law firm based in Redlands, United States. She is responsible for overseeing various legal matters and client relationships. Prior to her current role, Albrektson served as the Principal Attorney at Albrektson & Shumate, leveraging her extensive experience in the legal field. She holds a B... achelor of Arts degree from Duke University, which has equipped her with the necessary knowledge and skills to excel in her profession.

Where is Kathleen Albrektson based?
Kathleen Albrektson works for Albrektson & Shumate, located at United States