Katherine Villanueva

International Sales Manager at Freight Options

Katherine Villanueva Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Katherine Villanueva Current Workplace


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Katherine Villanueva Work Experience Summary

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Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Katherine Villanueva

Katherine Villanueva is an International Sales Manager at Freight Options based in Paranaque City, Calabarzon.Explore more

Katherine Villanueva Current Workplace

Freight Options

2015-present (10 years)

Freight Options, Inc provides services Worldwide. In other words, we can move or clear freight anywhere in the world via AIR, SEA, or LAND. As World Trade has been the backbone of most nations' economies, International Trade among nations is increasing in importance. The communication technologies are bringing suppliers and consumers throughout the world closer than ever. As this continues, the physical exchanges of goods will continue to flow between countries. Everyday, businesses are discovering that the world as a whole is a big market with a huge potential for several opportunities. Our company can bring you closer to the world with the following SERVICES that we offer. Freight Options Incorporated offers airfreight forwarding to numerous destinations around the world. With trusted agents all around the globe, we guarantee the safe handling and transfer of your goods from origin to its destination. We also offer Air Import Services to meet your importation needs. Using advance manSee more

Katherine Villanueva Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Self Employed

Vapers Avenue and Vape Central


Business Development Manager

Plexus Multiventures Inc.


Org Chart - Freight Options


International Sales Manager




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Katherine Villanueva

What company does Katherine Villanueva work for?
Katherine Villanueva works for Freight Options as International Sales Manager
What is Katherine Villanueva’s role in Freight Options?
Katherine Villanueva’s role in Freight Options is International Sales Manager
What is Katherine Villanueva’s email address?
Katherine Villanueva’s email address is k***@freight-options.com
What is Katherine Villanueva’s business email address?
Katherine Villanueva’s business email address is k***@freight-options.com
What is Katherine Villanueva’s direct phone number?
Katherine Villanueva’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Katherine Villanueva’s work phone number?
Katherine Villanueva’s headquarters phone number is +63 28200116
What is Katherine Villanueva’s latest job experience?
Katherine Villanueva’s latest job experience is Self Employed at Vapers Avenue and Vape Central
Which industry does Katherine Villanueva work in?
Katherine Villanueva works in the industry of Freight & Logistics Services, Transportation.
Who are Katherine Villanueva’s peers at other companies?
Katherine Villanueva’s peers at other companies are André Accioly, Clarence Choo, Maurice Bienfait, Laurent Lerognon, Gerardo Marenco.
Who are Katherine Villanueva’s colleagues?
Some of Katherine Villanueva’s colleagues are Jojo Martin, Francis Villanueva, Jayson Marasigan.
How can I contact Katherine Villanueva?
Katherine Villanueva contact details: Email address: k***@freight-options.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Katherine Villanueva?

Katherine Villanueva is an International Sales Manager at Freight Options based in Paranaque City, Calabarzon.... Read More

Where is Katherine Villanueva based?
Katherine Villanueva works for Freight Options, located at Philippines
See more information about Katherine Villanueva

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