Kateryna Malinovska

Business Analyst at Brights

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Kateryna Malinovska Current Workplace





Number of Employees

Kateryna Malinovska Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Kateryna Malinovska

Kateryna Malinovska is a Business Analyst at Brights based in Kiev, Kyiv City. Previously, Kateryna was a Training Project Business Analyst at EPAM Systems and also held positions at Persha Studia, Sandoz, Ericsson, Lifecell.Explore more

Kateryna Malinovska Current Workplace


2021-present (4 years)

For now custom software development company Brights has got 65 talented employees, who handle the main job delivering what we promised in time with needed quality and budget. We combine proven methodologies, business domain experience and technology expertise - whether we work directly with your product or as an Extended Team. Our design team is a group of enthusiasts who see product design as engineering process, and put user experience first. Also we have business analyze expertise which allows us to work close with clients team, understand goals and capabilities and implement it using such tools as Sketch, Figma, Invision, Photoshop, Illustrator. Web and mobile software developers have strong skills in creating products and developing custom software solutions using such technologies as .NET, Java, Javascript, SQL, Swift, Objective-C, NativeScript, React.Native and others. In addition team of developers from Ukraine is highly professional in creating cross-platform applications, worSee more

Kateryna Malinovska Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Training Project Business Analyst

EPAM Systems


Student In Business Analysis Program

EPAM Systems


Junior QA Engineer

Persha Studia


Sales Efficiency Analyst



Org Chart - Brights


Business Analyst




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Kateryna Malinovska

What company does Kateryna Malinovska work for?
Kateryna Malinovska works for Brights as Business Analyst
What is Kateryna Malinovska’s role in Brights?
Kateryna Malinovska’s role in Brights is Business Analyst
What is Kateryna Malinovska’s email address?
Kateryna Malinovska’s email address is m***@brights.com.ua
What is Kateryna Malinovska’s business email address?
Kateryna Malinovska’s business email address is m***@brights.com.ua
What is Kateryna Malinovska’s direct phone number?
Kateryna Malinovska’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Kateryna Malinovska’s work phone number?
Kateryna Malinovska’s headquarters phone number is +380 442274262
What is Kateryna Malinovska’s latest job experience?
Kateryna Malinovska’s latest job experience is Training Project Business Analyst at EPAM Systems
Which industry does Kateryna Malinovska work in?
Kateryna Malinovska works in the industry of Software & Technical Consulting, Software.
Who are Kateryna Malinovska’s peers at other companies?
Kateryna Malinovska’s peers at other companies are Doug Williams, Mary Shouse, Mia Atkins, Naomi Meyer, Adalynn Gee.
Who are Kateryna Malinovska’s colleagues?
Some of Kateryna Malinovska’s colleagues are Maria Shelaieva, Yura Korabel, Ihor Nosach, Yana Okhrymovych.
How can I contact Kateryna Malinovska?
Kateryna Malinovska contact details: Email address: m***@brights.com.ua Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Kateryna Malinovska?

Kateryna Malinovska is a Business Analyst at Brights based in Kiev, Kyiv City. Previously, Kateryna was a Training Project Business Analyst at EPAM Systems and also held positions at Persha Studia, Sandoz, Ericsson, Lifecell.... Read More

Where is Kateryna Malinovska based?
Kateryna Malinovska works for Brights, located at Ukraine
See more information about Kateryna Malinovska

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