
Kate Urrutia

National Account Manager at Threshold

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(***) ***-****

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About Kate Urrutia

Kate Urrutia is a National Account Manager at Threshold based in Farmington, Connecticut.Explore more

Kate Urrutia Current Workplace


2021-present (4 years)

Threshold Security specializes in secure visitor management systems, providing innovative products such as expiring visitor badges, sign-in books, and management software. Their solutions are designed to enhance building security across various sectors including schools, healthcare, corporate, and government. The company emphasizes the importance of controlling visitor access with their cloud-based software and visual security features. With a commitment to safety and efficiency, Threshold Security aims to simplify and strengthen security protocols in facilities.

Org Chart - Threshold


National Account Manager




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Kate Urrutia

What company does Kate Urrutia work for?
Kate Urrutia works for Threshold as National Account Manager
What is Kate Urrutia’s role in Threshold?
Kate Urrutia’s role in Threshold is National Account Manager
What is Kate Urrutia’s email address?
Kate Urrutia’s email address is k***@thresholdsecurity.com
What is Kate Urrutia’s business email address?
Kate Urrutia’s business email address is k***@thresholdsecurity.com
What is Kate Urrutia’s direct phone number?
Kate Urrutia’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Kate Urrutia’s work phone number?
Kate Urrutia’s headquarters phone number is (860) 677-8586
Which industry does Kate Urrutia work in?
Kate Urrutia works in the industry of Security Products & Services, Business Services.
Who are Kate Urrutia’s peers at other companies?
Kate Urrutia’s peers at other companies are Peter Brooks, Mark Erickson, Ken Hampton, Daryl Ball, Joel Pearson.
Who are Kate Urrutia’s colleagues?
Some of Kate Urrutia’s colleagues are Andrew Simpson, Suzanne Corcoran, Brunette Christopher, Noel Turner.
How can I contact Kate Urrutia?
Kate Urrutia contact details: Email address: k***@thresholdsecurity.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Kate Urrutia?

Kate Urrutia is a National Account Manager at Threshold based in Farmington, Connecticut.... Read More

Where is Kate Urrutia based?
Kate Urrutia works for Threshold, located at United States
See more information about Kate Urrutia

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