Kate Stukalenko

Director, Technical Operations at Verisk

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(201) ***-****

Kate Stukalenko Current Workplace





Number of Employees

Kate Stukalenko Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Kate Stukalenko

Kate Stukalenko is a Director, Technical Operations at Verisk based in Jersey City, New Jersey. Previously, Kate was a Project Manager, Information Technology & Program Manager at Morgan Stanley and also held positions at Luxoft, TSYS. Kate received a Bachelor of Information Technology degree from National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute) and a Master of Information Technology from National Research Nuclear University (former Moscow Engineering Physics Institute).Explore more

Kate Stukalenko Current Workplace


2019-present (6 years)

Verisk Analytics uses advanced technologies to collect and analyze billions of records. The company draws on unique data assets to provide first-to-market innovations that are integrated into customer workflows. Verisk Analytics offers predictive analytics and decision support solutions to customers in rating, underwriting, claims, catastrophe and weather risk, global risk analytics, natural resources intelligence, and economic forecasting. Verisk Analytics was founded in 1971and is headquartered in Jersey City, New Jersey.

Kate Stukalenko Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Project Manager, Information Technology & Program Manager

Morgan Stanley


Program Manager Head of Global Operations



Business Analyst



Business Analyst

Federal Financial Monitoring




Bachelor of Information Technology

National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute)

Master of Information Technology

National Research Nuclear University (former Moscow Engineering Physics Institute)

Org Chart - Verisk


Director, Technical Operations




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Kate Stukalenko

What company does Kate Stukalenko work for?
Kate Stukalenko works for Verisk as Director, Technical Operations
What is Kate Stukalenko’s role in Verisk?
Kate Stukalenko’s role in Verisk is Director, Technical Operations
What is Kate Stukalenko’s email address?
Kate Stukalenko’s email address is k***@verisk.com
What is Kate Stukalenko’s business email address?
Kate Stukalenko’s business email address is k***@verisk.com
What is Kate Stukalenko’s direct phone number?
Kate Stukalenko’s direct phone number is (201) ***-****
What is Kate Stukalenko’s work phone number?
Kate Stukalenko’s headquarters phone number is (201) 469-3000
What is Kate Stukalenko’s latest job experience?
Kate Stukalenko’s latest job experience is Project Manager, Information Technology & Program Manager at Morgan Stanley
What is Kate Stukalenko’s latest education?
Kate Stukalenko’s latest education in Bachelor of Information Technology at National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute)
Which industry does Kate Stukalenko work in?
Kate Stukalenko works in the industry of Business Intelligence (BI) Software, Software Development & Design, Software.
Who are Kate Stukalenko’s peers at other companies?
Kate Stukalenko’s peers at other companies are Mikhail Kholdarov, Ken Han, Dave Stehan, Christopher Keosky, Mike Ungerleider.
Who are Kate Stukalenko’s colleagues?
Some of Kate Stukalenko’s colleagues are Bryce Groesbeck, Ken Loveland, Eylisa Chan, Amro Elkenany.
How can I contact Kate Stukalenko?
Kate Stukalenko contact details: Email address: k***@verisk.com Phone number: (201) ***-****
Who is Kate Stukalenko?

Kate Stukalenko is a Director, Technical Operations at Verisk based in Jersey City, New Jersey. Previously, Kate was a Project Manager, Information Technology & Program Manager at Morgan Stanley and also held positions at Luxoft, TSYS. Kate received a Bachelor of Information Technology degree from National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Mosco... w Engineering Physics Institute) and a Master of Information Technology from National Research Nuclear University (former Moscow Engineering Physics Institute).Read More

Where is Kate Stukalenko based?
Kate Stukalenko works for Verisk, located at United States
See more information about Kate Stukalenko

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