
Karen Merusi

Middle School Teacher at Weymouth Twp School District

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(***) ***-****

Karen Merusi Current Workplace


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About Karen Merusi

Karen Merusi is a Middle School Teacher at Weymouth Twp School District based in Dorothy, New Jersey.Explore more

Karen Merusi Current Workplace

Weymouth Twp School District

2021-present (3 years)

What a year it has been here in Weymouth Township! First, I would like to congratulate Peter Keiffenheim on his re-election to the Township Committee. I also want to commend Ed Norton on a successful first year and thank him for his service to our community on the Township committee. The men and women of the Dorothy Fire and Rescue cannot be thanked or praised adequately. I have always been in awe of their professionalism and dedication to our community. The tax raised by the fire district only covers a portion of their expenses. They still need your donations. I also want to thank all of the good people who step up and volunteer to serve on the various committees and boards. These are the real leaders of our town. On our website we will post a list of our various boards and the members who serve on them. When we see them around town, let's thank them. We are blessed to have our little family of township employees and I am blessed as your Mayor to be surrounded by them. We have been thSee more

Org Chart - Weymouth Twp School District


Middle School Teacher




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Karen Merusi

What company does Karen Merusi work for?
Karen Merusi works for Weymouth Twp School District as Middle School Teacher
What is Karen Merusi’s role in Weymouth Twp School District?
Karen Merusi’s role in Weymouth Twp School District is Middle School Teacher
What is Karen Merusi’s email address?
Karen Merusi’s email address is k***@weymouthtsd.org
What is Karen Merusi’s business email address?
Karen Merusi’s business email address is k***@weymouthtsd.org
What is Karen Merusi’s direct phone number?
Karen Merusi’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Karen Merusi’s work phone number?
Karen Merusi’s headquarters phone number is (609) 476-2633
Which industry does Karen Merusi work in?
Karen Merusi works in the industry of K-12 Schools, Education.
Who are Karen Merusi’s peers at other companies?
Karen Merusi’s peers at other companies are Christian Shane, Zenia Hernandez, Uriah Willis, Darryl Smith, Janeen Walker.
Who are Karen Merusi’s colleagues?
Some of Karen Merusi’s colleagues are Michaelena Riordan, Amy Reingruber, Brooke DiClerico, Lauryn Hooven.
How can I contact Karen Merusi?
Karen Merusi contact details: Email address: k***@weymouthtsd.org Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Karen Merusi?

Karen Merusi is a Middle School Teacher at Weymouth Twp School District based in Dorothy, New Jersey.... Read More

Where is Karen Merusi based?
Karen Merusi works for Weymouth Twp School District, located at United States
See more information about Karen Merusi

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