Karen Hannah

Director, Human Resources at Charter Communications

Karen Hannah Email & Phone number


(714) ***-****

Karen Hannah Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Karen Hannah Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Karen Hannah

Karen Hannah is a Director, Human Resources at Charter Communications based in Stamford, Connecticut. Previously, Karen was a HR Assistant at Bally Total Fitness.

Karen Hannah Current Workplace

Charter Communications

1996-present (28 years)

We are a connectivity company for everyone: families, businesses of all sizes and communities that count on our secure, state-of-the-art broadband network every minute of every day. Spectrums connectivity products Spectrum Internet, Mobile, streaming and linear Video, and Voice seamlessly converge to power our customers' digital lives however, wherever and whenever they want. And with our first-of-its-kind Customer Commitment and 24/7 U.S.-based customer support, we put our customers first and are always available if they need us. We operate in 41 states with services available to more than 58 million homes and businesses in markets of all demographics and sizes. As the countrys largest and fastest-growing rural internet provider, were doing our part to help close the digital divide by increasing access to affordable broadband which improves lives, transforms businesses and creates unlimited possibilities.

Karen Hannah Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

HR Assistant

Bally Total Fitness


Org Chart - Charter Communications

Karen Hannah

Director, Human Resources

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Karen Hannah

What company does Karen Hannah work for?
Karen Hannah works for Charter Communications as Director, Human Resources
What is Karen Hannah’s role in Charter Communications?
Karen Hannah’s role in Charter Communications is Director, Human Resources
What is Karen Hannah’s email address?
Karen Hannah’s email address is h***@corporate.charter.com
What is Karen Hannah’s business email address?
Karen Hannah’s business email address is h***@corporate.charter.com
What is Karen Hannah’s direct phone number?
Karen Hannah’s direct phone number is (714) ***-****
What is Karen Hannah’s work phone number?
Karen Hannah’s headquarters phone number is (203) 905-7800
What is Karen Hannah’s latest job experience?
Karen Hannah’s latest job experience is HR Assistant at Bally Total Fitness
Which industry does Karen Hannah work in?
Karen Hannah works in the industry of Internet Service Providers, Website Hosting & Internet-related Services, Telecommunications.
Who are Karen Hannah’s peers at other companies?
Karen Hannah’s peers at other companies are Sherry Zachary, Judy Galatioto, Felicia White, Jason French, Christopher McBrairty.
Who are Karen Hannah’s colleagues?
Some of Karen Hannah’s colleagues are Isoud Manasir, Staci McBride, Michelle Snyder, Adam Young.
How can I contact Karen Hannah?
Karen Hannah contact details: Email address: h***@corporate.charter.com Phone number: (714) ***-****
Who is Karen Hannah?

Karen Hannah is a Director, Human Resources at Charter Communications based in Stamford, Connecticut. Previously, Karen was a HR Assistant at Bally Total Fitness....

Where is Karen Hannah based?
Karen Hannah works for Charter Communications, located at United States