Karen Dyck

Administrative Assistant at FBC Watsonville

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Karen Dyck Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Karen Dyck Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

About Karen Dyck

Karen Dyck is an Administrative Assistant at FBC Watsonville based in Watsonville, California.

Karen Dyck Current Workplace

FBC Watsonville

2001-present (23 years)

FBC Watsonville has had a vital presence in our community for over 100 years. Our story started in a tent erected to hold meetings where we could preach the Gospel. It was officially born Aug. 21, 1914, as 25 charter members dedicated themselves to establishing a church. From our first, simple wood-sided building, to our current facility, we've been gathering together week-in and week-out for over a century. All that time, the core of our ministry has not changed; preaching the gospel, teaching God's Word, and responding in worship. God has been faithful and good to FBC. He's blessed us with buildings, resources, and pastors. He's used the ministries of FBC to touch thousands of lives, both here in Watsonville and around the globe. We've been preaching and teaching, praying and singing, and declaring the Gospel of Jesus Christ for all those many decades. And we are dedicated to continuing with that great heritage. For 100 years, God has been busy here. He's done so much more than thoseSee more

Org Chart - FBC Watsonville

Karen Dyck

Administrative Assistant

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Karen Dyck

What company does Karen Dyck work for?
Karen Dyck works for FBC Watsonville as Administrative Assistant
What is Karen Dyck’s role in FBC Watsonville?
Karen Dyck’s role in FBC Watsonville is Administrative Assistant
What is Karen Dyck’s email address?
Karen Dyck’s email address is k***@fbcwatsonville.com
What is Karen Dyck’s business email address?
Karen Dyck’s business email address is k***@fbcwatsonville.com
What is Karen Dyck’s direct phone number?
Karen Dyck’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Karen Dyck’s work phone number?
Karen Dyck’s headquarters phone number is (831) 724-1311
Which industry does Karen Dyck work in?
Karen Dyck works in the industry of Organizations General, Organizations.
Who are Karen Dyck’s peers at other companies?
Karen Dyck’s peers at other companies are Carol Sutherland, Martha Pardee, Gladys Deguzman, Janice Martin, Beverly Walker.
Who are Karen Dyck’s colleagues?
Some of Karen Dyck’s colleagues are Carrie Clark, Allen Barnes.
How can I contact Karen Dyck?
Karen Dyck contact details: Email address: k***@fbcwatsonville.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Karen Dyck?

Karen Dyck is an Administrative Assistant at FBC Watsonville based in Watsonville, California....

Where is Karen Dyck based?
Karen Dyck works for FBC Watsonville, located at United States