
Kandee Mortenson

Social Work Supervisor at Division of Child and Family Services

Kandee Mortenson Email & Phone number


(775) ***-****

Kandee Mortenson Current Workplace



Number of Employees


Kandee Mortenson Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Kandee Mortenson

Kandee Mortenson is a Social Work Supervisor at Division of Child and Family Services based in Las Vegas, Nevada. Previously, Kandee was a Customer Service at Reno Disposal and also held positions at Micasa Too.

Kandee Mortenson Current Workplace

Division of Child and Family Services is a company that operates in the Government industry. It employs 250to499 people and has 25Mto50M of revenue. The company is headquartered in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Kandee Mortenson Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Customer Service

Reno Disposal


Cocktail Waitress

Micasa Too


Org Chart - Division of Child and Family Services

Kandee Mortenson

Social Work Supervisor

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Interest in Kandee Mortenson's Company

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Kandee Mortenson

What company does Kandee Mortenson work for?
Kandee Mortenson works for Division of Child and Family Services as Social Work Supervisor
What is Kandee Mortenson’s role in Division of Child and Family Services?
Kandee Mortenson’s role in Division of Child and Family Services is Social Work Supervisor
What is Kandee Mortenson’s email address?
Kandee Mortenson’s email address is k***@dcfs.nv.gov
What is Kandee Mortenson’s business email address?
Kandee Mortenson’s business email address is k***@dcfs.nv.gov
What is Kandee Mortenson’s direct phone number?
Kandee Mortenson’s direct phone number is (775) ***-****
What is Kandee Mortenson’s work phone number?
Kandee Mortenson’s headquarters phone number is (702) 486-5080
What is Kandee Mortenson’s latest job experience?
Kandee Mortenson’s latest job experience is Customer Service at Reno Disposal
Which industry does Kandee Mortenson work in?
Kandee Mortenson works in the industry of Government.
Who are Kandee Mortenson’s peers at other companies?
Kandee Mortenson’s peers at other companies are Lee Janella, Dave Kuehner, Tiffany Bickel, Nicole Terrell, Pamela Stanton.
Who are Kandee Mortenson’s colleagues?
Some of Kandee Mortenson’s colleagues are Bruce Cole, Jose Hernandez, Lisa Alfred, Jiofak Signi.
How can I contact Kandee Mortenson?
Kandee Mortenson contact details: Email address: k***@dcfs.nv.gov Phone number: (775) ***-****
Who is Kandee Mortenson?

Kandee Mortenson is a Social Work Supervisor at Division of Child and Family Services based in Las Vegas, Nevada. Previously, Kandee was a Customer Service at Reno Disposal and also held positions at Micasa Too....

Where is Kandee Mortenson based?
Kandee Mortenson works for Division of Child and Family Services, located at United States