
Kanako Momota

Senior Manager, Accounting at Textainer Group Holdings

Kanako Momota Email & Phone number


(415) ***-****

Kanako Momota Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Kanako Momota Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Kanako Momota

Kanako Momota is a Senior Manager, Accounting at Textainer Group Holdings based in Hamilton, Hamilton city. Previously, Kanako was a Manager, Accounting at Davis & Associates and also held positions at Miller Kaplan Arase, San Francisco State University - College of Business.

Kanako Momota Current Workplace

Textainer Group Holdings

2017-present (8 years)

Textainer has operated since 1979 and is headquartered in Hamilton, Bermuda. This company is one of the world's largest lessors of intermodal containers. Their fleet consists of standard dry freight, refrigerated intermodal containers, and dry freight specials. They also lease tank containers through their relationship with Trifleet Leasing and are a supplier of containers to the U.S. Military. Textainer is one of the largest and most reliable suppliers of new and used containers.

Kanako Momota Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Manager, Accounting

Davis & Associates


Supervisor, Audit

Miller Kaplan Arase


Org Chart - Textainer Group Holdings

Kanako Momota

Senior Manager, Accounting

Intent on Kanako Momota's Company


Interest in Kanako Momota's Company

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Kanako Momota

What company does Kanako Momota work for?
Kanako Momota works for Textainer Group Holdings as Senior Manager, Accounting
What is Kanako Momota’s role in Textainer Group Holdings?
Kanako Momota’s role in Textainer Group Holdings is Senior Manager, Accounting
What is Kanako Momota’s email address?
Kanako Momota’s email address is k***@textainer.com
What is Kanako Momota’s business email address?
Kanako Momota’s business email address is k***@textainer.com
What is Kanako Momota’s direct phone number?
Kanako Momota’s direct phone number is (415) ***-****
What is Kanako Momota’s work phone number?
Kanako Momota’s headquarters phone number is (441) 296-2500
What is Kanako Momota’s latest job experience?
Kanako Momota’s latest job experience is Manager, Accounting at Davis & Associates
Which industry does Kanako Momota work in?
Kanako Momota works in the industry of Other Rental Stores (Furniture, A/V, Construction & Industrial Equipment), Retail.
Who are Kanako Momota’s peers at other companies?
Kanako Momota’s peers at other companies are Colleen McEntee, Christopher Ca, Jelixa Diaz, Simon Hyun, Sharon Golen.
Who are Kanako Momota’s colleagues?
Some of Kanako Momota’s colleagues are Chong Peng, Angela Siu, Mami Frater, Ria Escosio.
How can I contact Kanako Momota?
Kanako Momota contact details: Email address: k***@textainer.com Phone number: (415) ***-****
Who is Kanako Momota?

Kanako Momota is a Senior Manager, Accounting at Textainer Group Holdings based in Hamilton, Hamilton city. Previously, Kanako was a Manager, Accounting at Davis & Associates and also held positions at Miller Kaplan Arase, San Francisco State University - College of Business....

Where is Kanako Momota based?
Kanako Momota works for Textainer Group Holdings, located at Bermuda