Kamal Rampersad

Managing Director at Caribbean Heart Care Medcorp

Kamal Rampersad Email & Phone number

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Kamal Rampersad Work Experience Summary

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About Kamal Rampersad

Kamal Rampersad is an Owner at Caribbean Heart Care Medcorp based in Port of Spain, City of Port of Spain. Kamal received a medical degree degree from University of the West Indies , and a LLB Honours degree from University of London.Explore more

Kamal Rampersad Current Workplace

Caribbean Heart Care Medcorp

2005-present (20 years)

Caribbean Heart Care Medcorp Limited was established in 1993 in Trinidad and Tobago with the goal of making open heart surgery and advanced cardiac care accessible to patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases in Trinidad and Tobago and across the Caribbean. Prior to its formation, the incidence of open heart surgical procedures being performed locally was rare, the prevailing trend at the time being that patients requiring heart surgery and complex cardiology procedures necessitated travel abroad for medical attention. Over the past 16 to 20 years, CHCm has grown both in experience and expertise, and we now perform 300 to 400 heart surgeries annually including highly complex paediatric cases. Our low morbidity and mortality statistics are equally impressive positioning us among the best-rated cardiovascular treatment centres in the world. Much of CHCm's success is attributable to the experience and expertise of our team of heart surgeons, cardiologists and interventionalists. InSee more

Kamal Rampersad Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles



LLB Honours degree


medical degree

University of the West Indies ,


University of Manitoba Canada
Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Org Chart - Caribbean Heart Care Medcorp

Managing Director





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    Our Team

    Dr. Kamal Rampersad Dr. Kamal Rampersad Dr. Kamal Rampersad Administrator and Managing Director, Bsc.,MB.,BS.,DA.LLB.,MOM Dr. Kamal Rampersad...
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    Our Team

    Dr. Kamal Rampersad Dr. Kamal Rampersad Managing Director | Administrator Working alongside such esteemed consultants as Dr. Bartolomé Finizola (...
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    Our Team

    Dr. Kamal Rampersad Dr. Kamal Rampersad Managing Director | Administrator Working alongside such esteemed consultants as Dr. Bartolomé Finizola (...
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    Our Team

    Dr. Kamal Rampersad Dr. Kamal Rampersad Managing Director | Administrator Working alongside such esteemed consultants as Dr. Bartolomé Finizola (...
  • news feed 5

    Our Team

    Dr. Kamal Rampersad Dr. Kamal Rampersad Managing Director | Administrator Working alongside such esteemed consultants as Dr. Bartolomé Finizola (...

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Kamal Rampersad

What company does Kamal Rampersad work for?
Kamal Rampersad works for Caribbean Heart Care Medcorp as Managing Director
What is Kamal Rampersad’s role in Caribbean Heart Care Medcorp?
Kamal Rampersad’s role in Caribbean Heart Care Medcorp is Managing Director
What is Kamal Rampersad’s direct phone number?
Kamal Rampersad’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Kamal Rampersad’s work phone number?
Kamal Rampersad’s headquarters phone number is (868) 628-6674
What is Kamal Rampersad’s latest education?
Kamal Rampersad’s latest education in LLB Honours degree at Univ
Which industry does Kamal Rampersad work in?
Kamal Rampersad works in the industry of Hospitals & Clinics, Healthcare.
Who are Kamal Rampersad’s peers at other companies?
Kamal Rampersad’s peers at other companies are Raj Selvendra, Tim Tankk, Christopher White, Angela McGuire, Shivani Pall.
Who are Kamal Rampersad’s colleagues?
Some of Kamal Rampersad’s colleagues are Jhonny Orozco, Atri Rampersad, Michelle Maharaj, Keshav Ramnarine.
Who is Kamal Rampersad?

Kamal Rampersad is an Owner at Caribbean Heart Care Medcorp based in Port of Spain, City of Port of Spain. Kamal received a medical degree degree from University of the West Indies , and a LLB Honours degree from University of London.... Read More

Where is Kamal Rampersad based?
Kamal Rampersad works for Caribbean Heart Care Medcorp, located at Trinidad and Tobago
See more information about Kamal Rampersad

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