Kamal Kishor

Business Specialist at Glaze Trading India Pvt

Kamal Kishor Email & Phone number

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About Kamal Kishor

Kamal Kishor is a Business Specialist at Glaze Trading India Pvt based in New Delhi, Nct.Explore more

Kamal Kishor Current Workplace

Glaze Trading India Pvt

2018-present (6 years)

Glaze Trading India Pvt. Ltd. is a direct selling company based in New Delhi. Direct selling is about business organizations seeking a relationship with their customers without going through retail channels. We currently have over 1 million Independent Distributors to market our products directly to potential customers in more than 15 states across India. The organization has successfully established an extensive franchisee web all over the country. The efficient and widespread network ensures company's reach to the most remote and farthest corners of the country. Our versatile portfolio features an ever-increasing amount of classic and emerging brands across a wide range of product categories including personal care, home care and agriculture. Glaze Trading India has accumulated significant expertise over the past 10 years. Dedicated to offer best of products at affordable prices, Glaze has always stayed firm to its principle of customer satisfaction.

Org Chart - Glaze Trading India Pvt


Business Specialist




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Kamal Kishor

What company does Kamal Kishor work for?
Kamal Kishor works for Glaze Trading India Pvt as Business Specialist
What is Kamal Kishor’s role in Glaze Trading India Pvt?
Kamal Kishor’s role in Glaze Trading India Pvt is Business Specialist
What is Kamal Kishor’s email address?
Kamal Kishor’s email address is k***@imi-critical.com
What is Kamal Kishor’s business email address?
Kamal Kishor’s business email address is k***@imi-critical.com
What is Kamal Kishor’s direct phone number?
Kamal Kishor’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Kamal Kishor’s work phone number?
Kamal Kishor’s headquarters phone number is +91 1146277200
Which industry does Kamal Kishor work in?
Kamal Kishor works in the industry of Retail General, Retail.
Who are Kamal Kishor’s peers at other companies?
Kamal Kishor’s peers at other companies are Priscilla Soles, Aashvi Khosla, Tauseef Farooqui, Hali Carson, Stella Delgado.
Who are Kamal Kishor’s colleagues?
Some of Kamal Kishor’s colleagues are Aashish Kumar, Jyoti Bhola, Sanjeev Chhibber, Sajan Chhetri.
How can I contact Kamal Kishor?
Kamal Kishor contact details: Email address: k***@imi-critical.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Kamal Kishor?

Kamal Kishor is a Business Specialist at Glaze Trading India Pvt based in New Delhi, Nct.... Read More

Where is Kamal Kishor based?
Kamal Kishor works for Glaze Trading India Pvt, located at India
See more information about Kamal Kishor

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