K. Srimathi

Planning Engineer at Larsen and Toubro

K. Srimathi Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

K. Srimathi Current Workplace


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K. Srimathi Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About K. Srimathi

K. Srimathi is a Planning Engineer at Larsen and Toubro. Previously, K. was a Senior Engineer at L&T India.Explore more

K. Srimathi Current Workplace

Larsen and Toubro

2024-present (5 months)

Automation and electrical technologies are the principal of Larsen & Toubro. The business portfolio of L&T is loaded with the automation solutions, energy meters, electrical systems and voltage switch gear products. The company offer their services into many area like agricultural segments, industries, infrastructures etc. Products SBG and Project SBG are the two strategic business groups that comprises electrical and Automation business and offers a wide range of electrical systems, marine switch gears, industrial and building automation solutions. The company manufactures custom built switchboards with intelligent as well as conventional protections. Control and communicates to meet the power distribution with motor control needs of industries. Also, the high quality comprehensive range og electronic energy meters and protective relays for commercial establishments and individual users. The company system anchors the industries like paper, oil&gas, metal, water, power, cement, food pSee more

K. Srimathi Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Senior Engineer

L&T India


Post Graduate Engineering Trainee

L&T India


Summer Engineering Intern

L&T India


Org Chart - Larsen and Toubro


Planning Engineer




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding K. Srimathi

What company does K. Srimathi work for?
K. Srimathi works for Larsen and Toubro as Planning Engineer
What is K. Srimathi’s role in Larsen and Toubro?
K. Srimathi’s role in Larsen and Toubro is Planning Engineer
What is K. Srimathi’s direct phone number?
K. Srimathi’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is K. Srimathi’s work phone number?
K. Srimathi’s headquarters phone number is +91 2267525656
What is K. Srimathi’s latest job experience?
K. Srimathi’s latest job experience is Senior Engineer at L&T India
Which industry does K. Srimathi work in?
K. Srimathi works in the industry of Industrial Machinery & Equipment, Manufacturing.
Who are K. Srimathi’s peers at other companies?
K. Srimathi’s peers at other companies are You-ren Jian, Satham Hussain, Manoel Neto, Ahmed Rizk, Akshay Patil.
Who are K. Srimathi’s colleagues?
Some of K. Srimathi’s colleagues are Amar Awati, Reeshit Vora, Ankita Shukla, Sami Ullah.
Who is K. Srimathi?

K. Srimathi is a Planning Engineer at Larsen and Toubro. Previously, K. was a Senior Engineer at L&T India.... Read More

Where is K. Srimathi based?
K. Srimathi works for Larsen and Toubro, located at United States
See more information about K. Srimathi

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