Justin Bach

Manager, Manufacturing at SCV Valve

Justin Bach Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Justin Bach Current Workplace


SCV Valve


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Justin Bach Work Experience Summary

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About Justin Bach

Justin Bach is a Manager, Manufacturing at SCV Valve based in Santa Fe, Texas. Previously, Justin was a Production at SCV Valve and also held positions at Cornerstone Valve, Planet Ford.Explore more

Justin Bach Current Workplace

SCV Valve

2024-present (10 months)

SCV Valve, LLC is a reputable and privately-held valve manufacturer based in Santa Fe, TX, specializing in a range of valve designs including Rising Stem Ball Valves and Geothermal Valves, primarily for the oil and gas industry. With a strong emphasis on quality and customer service, SCV Valve is known for its competitive pricing and dedication to meeting client needs. The company holds both API 6D and API 6A monogram licenses, ensuring compliance and reliability in their products. SCV Valve aims to be a go-to source for valve solutions across various applications, catering to a wide array of clients in the energy sector.

Justin Bach Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Field Service Valve Techncian

SCV Valve



SCV Valve



Cornerstone Valve


Automotive Technician

Planet Ford


Org Chart - SCV Valve


Manager, Manufacturing




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Justin Bach

What company does Justin Bach work for?
Justin Bach works for SCV Valve as Manager, Manufacturing
What is Justin Bach’s role in SCV Valve?
Justin Bach’s role in SCV Valve is Manager, Manufacturing
What is Justin Bach’s email address?
Justin Bach’s email address is j***@scvvalve.com
What is Justin Bach’s business email address?
Justin Bach’s business email address is j***@scvvalve.com
What is Justin Bach’s direct phone number?
Justin Bach’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Justin Bach’s work phone number?
Justin Bach’s headquarters phone number is (281) 482-4728
What is Justin Bach’s latest job experience?
Justin Bach’s latest job experience is Field Service Valve Techncian at SCV Valve
Which industry does Justin Bach work in?
Justin Bach works in the industry of Industrial Machinery & Equipment, Manufacturing.
Who are Justin Bach’s peers at other companies?
Justin Bach’s peers at other companies are Alex Murley, Henry Gonzalez, Craig Swerdfiger, Michael Gurbick, Steve Contreras.
Who are Justin Bach’s colleagues?
Some of Justin Bach’s colleagues are Eric Siebert, Caitlin Green, Gloria Lopez, Brett Lossin.
How can I contact Justin Bach?
Justin Bach contact details: Email address: j***@scvvalve.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Justin Bach?

Justin Bach is a Manager, Manufacturing at SCV Valve based in Santa Fe, Texas. Previously, Justin was a Production at SCV Valve and also held positions at Cornerstone Valve, Planet Ford.... Read More

Where is Justin Bach based?
Justin Bach works for SCV Valve, located at United States
See more information about Justin Bach

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