2018-present (7 years)
Julius Collins Email & Phone number
Julius Collins Current Workplace
5130 Hacienda Dr, Dublin, California, 94568, United States
Phone Number
(925) 965-4400
Number of Employees
Julius Collins Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
1Average duration at a company (years)
7Number of job titles
1About Julius Collins
Julius Collins is a Loss Prevention at Ross Stores based in Dublin, California.
Julius received a Computer Science degree from Golden West College.
Julius Collins Current Workplace
Ross Stores
Founded in 1982 and headquartered in Dublin, CA, Ross Stores Inc., (Operating under the brand name Ross Dress for Less) is a chain of discount department stores. The company also owns dd's DISCOUNTS brands.
Julius Collins Work Experience & Education
Number of companies worked for
1Average duration at a company (years)
7Number of job titles
Computer Science
Golden West CollegeIntent on Julius Collins's Company
Interest in Julius Collins's Company
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Julius Collins
Julius Collins is a Loss Prevention at Ross Stores based in Dublin, California. Julius received a Computer Science degree from Golden West College....