Julie Slick

Director, Organizational Development & Learning at Childrens Minnesota

Julie Slick Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Julie Slick Current Workplace



Number of Employees

Julie Slick Work Experience Summary

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Number of job titles


About Julie Slick

Julie Slick is a Director, Organizational Development & Learning at Childrens Minnesota based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Previously, Julie was a Sales Manager, Automation at Siemens and also held positions at Automated Logic, Michigan Technological University, Viking Automatic Sprinkler, Doody Mechanical. Julie received a Bachlor degree from Michigan Technological University and a Master from Michigan Technological University.Explore more

Julie Slick Current Workplace

Childrens Minnesota

2020-present (5 years)

Children's Minnesota is a pediatric health system that provides care exclusively to children, from before birth through young adulthood. This health system is headquartered in Saint Paul, Minnesota.

Julie Slick Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Branch General Manager



Sales Manager, Automation



Sales Manager



Sales Executive






Michigan Technological University


Michigan Technological University

Org Chart - Childrens Minnesota


Director, Organizational Developmen...




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    Julie Slick has worked in the learning and development arena for more than fifteen years and brings a solid business perspective. She focuses on the ...

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Julie Slick

What company does Julie Slick work for?
Julie Slick works for Childrens Minnesota as Director, Organizational Development & Learning
What is Julie Slick’s role in Childrens Minnesota?
Julie Slick’s role in Childrens Minnesota is Director, Organizational Development & Learning
What is Julie Slick’s email address?
Julie Slick’s email address is j***@childrensmn.org
What is Julie Slick’s business email address?
Julie Slick’s business email address is j***@childrensmn.org
What is Julie Slick’s direct phone number?
Julie Slick’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Julie Slick’s work phone number?
Julie Slick’s headquarters phone number is (612) 813-6000
What is Julie Slick’s latest job experience?
Julie Slick’s latest job experience is Branch General Manager at Siemens
What is Julie Slick’s latest education?
Julie Slick’s latest education in Bachlor at Michigan Technological University
Which industry does Julie Slick work in?
Julie Slick works in the industry of Hospitals & Clinics, Healthcare.
Who are Julie Slick’s peers at other companies?
Julie Slick’s peers at other companies are Glaydson Rafael, Patrick Mercer, Jeffrey Goranson, Tara Simpson, Juan Camargo.
Who are Julie Slick’s colleagues?
Some of Julie Slick’s colleagues are Emily Lane, Hynek Lettang, Anne Yeaster, Shailendra Shrotri.
How can I contact Julie Slick?
Julie Slick contact details: Email address: j***@childrensmn.org Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Julie Slick?

Julie Slick is a Director, Organizational Development & Learning at Childrens Minnesota based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Previously, Julie was a Sales Manager, Automation at Siemens and also held positions at Automated Logic, Michigan Technological University, Viking Automatic Sprinkler, Doody Mechanical. Julie received a Bachlor degree from Mich... igan Technological University and a Master from Michigan Technological University.Read More

Where is Julie Slick based?
Julie Slick works for Childrens Minnesota, located at United States
See more information about Julie Slick

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