2018-present (7 years)
Julie Kemp Email & Phone number
Julie Kemp Current Workplace
1491 Polaris Pkwy Pmb 373, Columbus, Ohio, 43240, United States
Phone Number
(614) 940-4156
Number of Employees
Julie Kemp Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
5Average duration at a company (years)
3Number of job titles
4About Julie Kemp
Julie Kemp is a President & Principal & Broker at Capital Investments Realty based in Columbus, Ohio.
Previously, Julie was a Transaction Manager at Safelite and also held positions at Columbus Realtors, Howard Hanna Real Estate Services, Treasure and Associates, RE/MAX.
Julie received a Bachelor of Arts degree from The Ohio State University.
Julie Kemp Current Workplace
Capital Investments Realty
Capital Investments Realty is located in the Columbus, Ohio, area and is owned and operated by Julie Kemp. Julie's main focus is commercial Real Estate, while focusing on apartments, general and medical offices as well as retail and the occasional self storage. Julie prides herself on her professionalism, knowledge, and experience in the Real Estate industry. Contact Julie Kemp at Capital Investments Realty for your reliable Real Estate broker.
Julie Kemp Work Experience & Education
Number of companies worked for
5Average duration at a company (years)
3Number of job titles
4Work Experience
Recent News About Julie Kemp
Ohio Investment Real Estate Broker Launches New Property Search Website
Commercial Real Estate Broker Julie Kemp launched a website with property search features for investors for the Columbus, Ohio real estate market. We...400 Venture Drive, Lewis Center, OH 43035 (MLS #218019340) :: RE/MAX Metro Plus
Listing provided courtesy of Julie A Kemp of Capital Investments Realty Listing provided courtesy of Julie A Kemp of Capital Investments RealtyStaff/Boards - Columbus Realtors
Julie Kemp Director Capital Investments Realty (614) 940-4156Julie Kemp - Capital Investments Realty
Julie Kemp Julie Kemp Commercial Real Estate Broker CCIM CNE Julie Kemp , Broker, CCIM , CNE Principal Broker, Capital Investments Realty Ju...
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Julie Kemp
Julie Kemp is a President & Principal & Broker at Capital Investments Realty based in Columbus, Ohio. Previously, Julie was a Transaction Manager at Safelite and also held positions at Columbus Realtors, Howard Hanna Real Estate Services, Treasure and Associates, RE/MAX. Julie received a Bachelor of Arts degree from The Ohio State University....