Julie Hogue

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(***) ***-****

Julie Hogue Current Workplace



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Julie Hogue Work Experience Summary

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About Julie Hogue

Julie Hogue is a Staff Member at Ecole Bilingue Notre-Dame De Sion based in Saint-laurent, Quebec.Explore more

Julie Hogue Current Workplace

We are committed to offering students an outstanding bilingual, values-based education that develops their sense of responsibility toward their community and nurtures their social conscience in a diverse and changing world. Every day in our classrooms and hallways we live out our combined mission of academic excellence together with the principles of openness and compassion on which Sion was founded. A pillar of our mission is true bilingualism, with an educational program that teaches English and French with equal rigour. We teach and live in both official languages so our graduates can excel in top private English or French high schools of their choice, propelling them with open hearts and minds toward a world of possibilities. Permeating every aspect of our educational program are our founding values of diversity, openness and respect. The special mission of all Sion schools is to instill in students a deep appreciation of their own faith and culture as well as a sensitivity and resSee more

Julie Hogue Work Experience & Education

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Average duration at a company (years)

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Julie Hogue

What is Julie Hogue’s email address?
Julie Hogue’s email address is j***@ebnds.com
What is Julie Hogue’s business email address?
Julie Hogue’s business email address is j***@ebnds.com
What is Julie Hogue’s direct phone number?
Julie Hogue’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Julie Hogue’s work phone number?
Julie Hogue’s headquarters phone number is (514) 747-3895
Which industry does Julie Hogue work in?
Julie Hogue works in the industry of Education General, Education.
Who are Julie Hogue’s peers at other companies?
Julie Hogue’s peers at other companies are Joe Lipetzky, Rena VanPaepeghem, Lesley Macaulay, Veronica Gray, Rochelle Lennox.
Who are Julie Hogue’s colleagues?
Some of Julie Hogue’s colleagues are Delphine Janin, Lauren Assi, Melissa Mazzanti, Barbara Lapointe.
How can I contact Julie Hogue?
Julie Hogue contact details: Email address: j***@ebnds.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Julie Hogue?

Julie Hogue is a Staff Member at Ecole Bilingue Notre-Dame De Sion based in Saint-laurent, Quebec.... Read More

Where is Julie Hogue based?
Julie Hogue works for Ecole Bilingue Notre-Dame De Sion, located at Canada
See more information about Julie Hogue

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