Julie Grubb

Senior Application Developer at Hill Country Pros

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Julie Grubb Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Julie Grubb Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees


Julie Grubb Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Julie Grubb

Julie Grubb is a Senior Application Developer at Hill Country Pros based in Gatesville, Texas. Previously, Julie was a Senior Application Developer at ADP. Julie received a Associate of Arts degree from Montgomery College and a Bachelor of Science from University of Maryland Baltimore County.Explore more

Julie Grubb Current Workplace

Hill Country Pros

2019-present (6 years)

United Country Real Estate | Hill Country Pros can save you time and money in buying and selling real estate in Gatesville Texas and Coryell County in Central Texas.

Julie Grubb Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Senior Application Developer



Lead Implementation Programmer



Programmer & Analyst





Associate of Arts - AA, Computer Science

Montgomery College

Bachelor of Science - Computer Science

University of Maryland Baltimore County

Org Chart - Hill Country Pros


Senior Application Developer




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Julie Grubb

What company does Julie Grubb work for?
Julie Grubb works for Hill Country Pros as Senior Application Developer
What is Julie Grubb’s role in Hill Country Pros?
Julie Grubb’s role in Hill Country Pros is Senior Application Developer
What is Julie Grubb’s direct phone number?
Julie Grubb’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Julie Grubb’s work phone number?
Julie Grubb’s headquarters phone number is (254) 248-0809
What is Julie Grubb’s latest job experience?
Julie Grubb’s latest job experience is Senior Application Developer at ADP
What is Julie Grubb’s latest education?
Julie Grubb’s latest education in Associate of Arts - AA, Computer Science at Montgomery College
Which industry does Julie Grubb work in?
Julie Grubb works in the industry of Real Estate.
Who are Julie Grubb’s peers at other companies?
Julie Grubb’s peers at other companies are Ted Osberg, Justin Choi, Praveen Govindaraj, Prakash Toligowda, Eric Arendell.
Who are Julie Grubb’s colleagues?
Some of Julie Grubb’s colleagues are Melissa Cisneros, Don Hill, Jim Johnson, Cynthia Peregrino.
Who is Julie Grubb?

Julie Grubb is a Senior Application Developer at Hill Country Pros based in Gatesville, Texas. Previously, Julie was a Senior Application Developer at ADP. Julie received a Associate of Arts degree from Montgomery College and a Bachelor of Science from University of Maryland Baltimore County.... Read More

Where is Julie Grubb based?
Julie Grubb works for Hill Country Pros, located at United States
See more information about Julie Grubb

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