
Julia Yoshimoto

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(503) ***-****

Julia Yoshimoto Current Workplace



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Julia Yoshimoto Work Experience Summary

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Average duration at a company (years)


About Julia Yoshimoto

Julia Yoshimoto is a Senior Advisor at the Oregon Justice Resource Center. With a Master's degree in Social Work from the University of Hawai'i-Mānoa, Yoshimoto is responsible for providing expert guidance and strategic advice to the organization's leadership team as they work to address critical issues within the criminal justice system.Explore more

Julia Yoshimoto Current Workplace

The Oregon Justice Resource Center is dedicated to addressing the issues of mass incarceration and advocating for civil and human rights in Oregon. They offer a variety of programs focused on immigrant rights, wrongful convictions, support for women in the justice system, and youth justice reforms. Their services aim to protect the rights of individuals in the legal system and promote community well-being, particularly for marginalized populations. The organization seeks to dismantle discriminatory practices and propose a new value system that prioritizes justice and equity.

Julia Yoshimoto Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)




Master of Social Work degree

University of Hawai'i-Mnoa


Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Senior Advisor

Oregon Justice Resource Center


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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Julia Yoshimoto

What is Julia Yoshimoto’s email address?
Julia Yoshimoto’s email address is j***@ojrc.info
What is Julia Yoshimoto’s business email address?
Julia Yoshimoto’s business email address is j***@ojrc.info
What is Julia Yoshimoto’s direct phone number?
Julia Yoshimoto’s direct phone number is (503) ***-****
What is Julia Yoshimoto’s work phone number?
Julia Yoshimoto’s headquarters phone number is (503) 944-2270
What is Julia Yoshimoto’s latest education?
Julia Yoshimoto’s latest education in Master of Social Work degree at University of Hawai'i-Mnoa
Which industry does Julia Yoshimoto work in?
Julia Yoshimoto works in the industry of Charitable Organizations & Foundations, Organizations.
Who are Julia Yoshimoto’s peers at other companies?
Julia Yoshimoto’s peers at other companies are Mariana Faria Teixeira, Karl Ebert, Janice Fulkerson, Eric Kaplan, Tiffany Booth.
Who are Julia Yoshimoto’s colleagues?
Some of Julia Yoshimoto’s colleagues are Maria Aron, Benjamin Haile, Althea Seloover, Carleene Houk.
How can I contact Julia Yoshimoto?
Julia Yoshimoto contact details: Email address: j***@ojrc.info Phone number: (503) ***-****
Who is Julia Yoshimoto?

Julia Yoshimoto is a Senior Advisor at the Oregon Justice Resource Center. With a Master's degree in Social Work from the University of Hawai'i-Mānoa, Yoshimoto is responsible for providing expert guidance and strategic advice to the organization's leadership team as they work to address critical issues within the criminal justice system.... Read More

Where is Julia Yoshimoto based?
Julia Yoshimoto works for Oregon Justice Resource Center, located at United States
See more information about Julia Yoshimoto

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