Julia Eitel

Senior Accountant, Construction and Development at Ventas

Julia Eitel Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(502) ***-****

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Julia Eitel Work Experience Summary

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About Julia Eitel

Julia Eitel is a Senior Accountant, Construction and Development at Ventas based in Chicago, Illinois. Previously, Julia was a Staff Accountant at Henderman Jessee and also held positions at Louisville Collegiate School, Louisville Country Club.Explore more

Julia Eitel Current Workplace


2018-present (6 years)

Ventas, an S&P 500 company, operates at the intersection of two powerful and dynamic industries healthcare and real estate. As one of the worlds foremost Real Estate Investment Trusts, Ventass portfolio of more than 1,200 properties is buoyed by the demographic tailwind of a large and growing aging population. Ventas uses the power of capital to unlock the value of senior living communities, life science, research & innovation properties, medical office & outpatient facilities and other healthcare real estate, working with leading care providers, developers, research, educational and medical institutions, innovators and healthcare organizations. Ventas has followed a successful strategy that endures: combining a high-quality diversified portfolio of properties and capital sources to manage through cycles, working with industry leading partners, and a collaborative and experienced team focused on producing consistent growing cash flows and superior returns on a strong balance sheet, ultSee more

Julia Eitel Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Staff Accountant

Henderman Jessee


Junior Varsity Tennis Coach

Louisville Collegiate School


Assistant Tennis Professional

Louisville Country Club


Org Chart - Ventas


Senior Accountant, Construction and...




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Julia Eitel

What company does Julia Eitel work for?
Julia Eitel works for Ventas as Senior Accountant, Construction and Development
What is Julia Eitel’s role in Ventas?
Julia Eitel’s role in Ventas is Senior Accountant, Construction and Development
What is Julia Eitel’s email address?
Julia Eitel’s email address is j***@ventasreit.com
What is Julia Eitel’s business email address?
Julia Eitel’s business email address is j***@ventasreit.com
What is Julia Eitel’s direct phone number?
Julia Eitel’s direct phone number is (502) ***-****
What is Julia Eitel’s work phone number?
Julia Eitel’s headquarters phone number is (877) 483-6827
What is Julia Eitel’s latest job experience?
Julia Eitel’s latest job experience is Staff Accountant at Henderman Jessee
Which industry does Julia Eitel work in?
Julia Eitel works in the industry of Real Estate.
Who are Julia Eitel’s colleagues?
Some of Julia Eitel’s colleagues are Ashley Ewing, Tanya Higdon, Alexi Dohnal, Alexa Moore.
How can I contact Julia Eitel?
Julia Eitel contact details: Email address: j***@ventasreit.com Phone number: (502) ***-****
Who is Julia Eitel?

Julia Eitel is a Senior Accountant, Construction and Development at Ventas based in Chicago, Illinois. Previously, Julia was a Staff Accountant at Henderman Jessee and also held positions at Louisville Collegiate School, Louisville Country Club.... Read More

Where is Julia Eitel based?
Julia Eitel works for Ventas, located at United States
See more information about Julia Eitel

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