Joshua Brewton

Senior Software Engineer at Angi

Joshua Brewton Email & Phone number


(317) ***-****

Joshua Brewton Current Workplace




Phone Number

Number of Employees

Joshua Brewton Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Joshua Brewton

Joshua Brewton is a Senior Software Engineer at Angi based in Denver, Colorado. Joshua received a Bachelor of Science degree from University Of Georgia.

Joshua Brewton Current Workplace


2016-present (9 years)

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Joshua Brewton Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Software Engineer



Web Developer

Across America




Bachelor of Science

University Of Georgia

Org Chart - Angi

Joshua Brewton

Senior Software Engineer

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Joshua Brewton

What company does Joshua Brewton work for?
Joshua Brewton works for Angi as Senior Software Engineer
What is Joshua Brewton’s role in Angi?
Joshua Brewton’s role in Angi is Senior Software Engineer
What is Joshua Brewton’s email address?
Joshua Brewton’s email address is j***@angi.com
What is Joshua Brewton’s business email address?
Joshua Brewton’s business email address is j***@angi.com
What is Joshua Brewton’s direct phone number?
Joshua Brewton’s direct phone number is (317) ***-****
What is Joshua Brewton’s work phone number?
Joshua Brewton’s headquarters phone number is (303) 963-7200
What is Joshua Brewton’s latest job experience?
Joshua Brewton’s latest job experience is Software Engineer at Sage
What is Joshua Brewton’s latest education?
Joshua Brewton’s latest education in Bachelor of Science at University Of Georgia
Which industry does Joshua Brewton work in?
Joshua Brewton works in the industry of Publishing, Media & Internet.
Who are Joshua Brewton’s peers at other companies?
Joshua Brewton’s peers at other companies are Farris Awadallah, Pradyumna Addala, Dinesh Rout, Dmitrii Shinkevich, Shanshan Jiang.
Who are Joshua Brewton’s colleagues?
Some of Joshua Brewton’s colleagues are Yiriel Liss, Johnny Heo, Kapil Gupta, Andrew Crowell.
How can I contact Joshua Brewton?
Joshua Brewton contact details: Email address: j***@angi.com Phone number: (317) ***-****
Who is Joshua Brewton?

Joshua Brewton is a Senior Software Engineer at Angi based in Denver, Colorado. Joshua received a Bachelor of Science degree from University Of Georgia....

Where is Joshua Brewton based?
Joshua Brewton works for Angi, located at United States