Joshua Ackerman

Work Study at Ohio Business College

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Joshua Ackerman Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Joshua Ackerman Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Joshua Ackerman Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Joshua Ackerman

Joshua Ackerman is a Work Study at Ohio Business College based in Elyria, Ohio. Joshua received a Associate of Information Technolgy Computer support degree from Ohio Business College-Sandusky.

Joshua Ackerman Current Workplace

Ohio Business College

2012-present (12 years)

Ohio Business College is a private for-profit junior college with multiple locations in Ohio. It is owned by Tri-State Educational Systems, Inc. with corporate headquarters located in Middletown, Ohio. Currently, Ohio Business College operates three campuses in Ohio with career education focused around information technology, business administration, allied health, and CDL training.

Joshua Ackerman Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles



Associate of Information Technolgy Computer support

Ohio Business College-Sandusky

Org Chart - Ohio Business College

Joshua Ackerman

Work Study

Intent on Joshua Ackerman's Company


Interest in Joshua Ackerman's Company

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Joshua Ackerman

What company does Joshua Ackerman work for?
Joshua Ackerman works for Ohio Business College as Work Study
What is Joshua Ackerman’s role in Ohio Business College?
Joshua Ackerman’s role in Ohio Business College is Work Study
What is Joshua Ackerman’s direct phone number?
Joshua Ackerman’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Joshua Ackerman’s work phone number?
Joshua Ackerman’s headquarters phone number is (440) 934-3101
What is Joshua Ackerman’s latest education?
Joshua Ackerman’s latest education in Associate of Information Technolgy Computer support at Ohio Business College-Sandusky
Which industry does Joshua Ackerman work in?
Joshua Ackerman works in the industry of Colleges & Universities, Education.
Who are Joshua Ackerman’s peers at other companies?
Joshua Ackerman’s peers at other companies are Chelsea Boykin, Serena Campbell, Nicole Brand, Paul Parsons, Brittany Fowle.
Who are Joshua Ackerman’s colleagues?
Some of Joshua Ackerman’s colleagues are Matt McMillion, Demaris Grant, Ellen Gonzalez, Lauren Butterworth.
Who is Joshua Ackerman?

Joshua Ackerman is a Work Study at Ohio Business College based in Elyria, Ohio. Joshua received a Associate of Information Technolgy Computer support degree from Ohio Business College-Sandusky....

Where is Joshua Ackerman based?
Joshua Ackerman works for Ohio Business College, located at United States