2012-present (13 years)
Joseph Dunson Email & Phone number
Joseph Dunson Current Workplace
600 E Granger Rd Fl 2, Cleveland, Ohio, 44131, United States
(440) 503-3234
Number of Employees
Joseph Dunson Work Experience Summary
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5About Joseph Dunson
Joseph Dunson is a Counsel at Dunson Law based in Cleveland, Ohio.
Previously, Joseph was a Volunteer Prosecutor at Citizens Union and also held positions at Robert S Thomas, Cleveland-Marshall College of Law, Vulcan Materials, Primerus, LinkedIn.
Joseph received a BA degree from Canisius College and a law degree from Cleveland-Marshall College of Law.
Joseph Dunson Current Workplace
Dunson Law
Attorney Joseph Dunson specializes in contract, business, personal injury, car accident, motorcycle accident, bicycle accident, and consumer litigation.
Joseph Dunson Work Experience & Education
Number of companies worked for
5Number of job titles
5Work Experience
Recent News About Joseph Dunson
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Attorney Joseph P. Dunson has been named by the National Trial Lawyers Association to its Top 40 under 40 for the State of Ohio , and a Rising Star by...Aggressive Representation. Proven Success. Dunson Law, Cleveland, Ohio
Here's what clients and colleagues are saying about Joe Dunson : I have known Joe Dunson for about 2 years. As a fellow attorney and colleague, I hav...Aggressive Representation. Proven Success. Dunson Law, Cleveland, Ohio
Meet Attorney Joseph P. Dunson Joe has represented corporations, insurance companies, and individuals in complex and diverse litigation matters. Jo...
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Joseph Dunson
Joseph Dunson is a Counsel at Dunson Law based in Cleveland, Ohio. Previously, Joseph was a Volunteer Prosecutor at Citizens Union and also held positions at Robert S Thomas, Cleveland-Marshall College of Law, Vulcan Materials, Primerus, LinkedIn. Joseph received a BA degree from Canisius College and a law degree from Cleveland-Marshall College o...