Jorge Wong

President, Elect (2015) at California Psychological Association

Jorge Wong Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Jorge Wong Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Jorge Wong Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles


About Jorge Wong

Jorge Wong is a President, Elect (2015) at California Psychological Association based in Sacramento, California. Previously, Jorge was a Director, Clinical & Regulatory Affairs at Asian Americans for Community Involvement and also held positions at San Francisco Psychological Association. Jorge received a PhD degree from Palo Alto U and a Doctorate from Pacific Graduate School of Psychology.

Jorge Wong Current Workplace

Founded in 1948 and headquartered in Sacramento, California, California Psychological Association is a 501(c)(6) non-profit professional association for licensed psychologists and others affiliated with the delivery of psychological services.

Jorge Wong Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Director, Clinical & Regulatory Affairs

Asian Americans for Community Involvement


Director, Behavioral Health Services, Quality Improvement & Compliance

Asian Americans for Community Involvement



Palo Alto U


Pacific Graduate School of Psychology

Org Chart - California Psychological Association

Jorge Wong

President, Elect (2015)

Recent News About Jorge Wong

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Jorge Wong

What company does Jorge Wong work for?
Jorge Wong works for California Psychological Association as President, Elect (2015)
What is Jorge Wong’s role in California Psychological Association?
Jorge Wong’s role in California Psychological Association is President, Elect (2015)
What is Jorge Wong’s direct phone number?
Jorge Wong’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Jorge Wong’s work phone number?
Jorge Wong’s headquarters phone number is (916) 286-7979
What is Jorge Wong’s latest job experience?
Jorge Wong’s latest job experience is President (2014) at San Francisco Psychological Association
What is Jorge Wong’s latest education?
Jorge Wong’s latest education in PhD at Palo Alto U
Which industry does Jorge Wong work in?
Jorge Wong works in the industry of Membership Organizations, Organizations.
Who are Jorge Wong’s colleagues?
Some of Jorge Wong’s colleagues are Temre Uzuncan, David Lin, Daniel Rockers, Scott Parker.
Who is Jorge Wong?

Jorge Wong is a President, Elect (2015) at California Psychological Association based in Sacramento, California. Previously, Jorge was a Director, Clinical & Regulatory Affairs at Asian Americans for Community Involvement and also held positions at San Francisco Psychological Association. Jorge received a PhD degree from Palo Alto U and a Doctora... te from Pacific Graduate School of Psychology.

Where is Jorge Wong based?
Jorge Wong works for California Psychological Association, located at United States
Who is California Psychological Association’s President, Elect (2015)?
California Psychological Association's President, Elect (2015) is Jorge Wong