2021-present (4 years)
Jordan Schaffranek
Claims Specialist at Ohio Indemnity
Jordan Schaffranek Email & Phone number
Jordan Schaffranek Current Workplace
250 E Broad St Fl 7, Columbus, Ohio, 43215, United States
Phone Number
(800) 628-8581
Number of Employees
Jordan Schaffranek Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
4Average duration at a company (years)
4Number of job titles
5About Jordan Schaffranek
Jordan Schaffranek is a Claims Specialist at Ohio Indemnity based in Columbus, Ohio.
Previously, Jordan was a Total Loss Adjuster at Nationwide and also held positions at Roto-Rooter.
Jordan Schaffranek Current Workplace
Ohio Indemnity
For over a half-century, Ohio Indemnity has helped safeguard financial institutions through a unique blend of well-conceived insurance programs and a commitment to personal attention. Founded in 1956, the company is widely recognized as one of the nation's leading specialty insurance carriers for banks, credit unions, finance companies, and non-profit 501 (c)(3) organizations, offering a variety of custom-designed products that enable our clients to serve their customers with assurance and peace of mind. At Ohio Indemnity, we go one step beyond simply providing quality insurance products. We serve as a partner to organizations that view insurance as an integral part of their business objectives. Ohio Indemnity's clients deal directly with decision makers, avoiding multiple layers of indecision, claims-processing bureaucracies and unreasonable waits. We design our products with the client in mind, assuring they are easy to administer and focused on achieving specific business goals.
Jordan Schaffranek Work Experience & Education
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Jordan Schaffranek
Jordan Schaffranek is a Claims Specialist at Ohio Indemnity based in Columbus, Ohio. Previously, Jordan was a Total Loss Adjuster at Nationwide and also held positions at Roto-Rooter....