Jordan ClelandA+

Jordan Cleland

President at Jordan Cleland Consulting

Jordan Cleland Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(403) ***-****

Jordan Cleland Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Jordan Cleland Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Jordan Cleland

Jordan Cleland is the President at Jordan Cleland Consulting based in Olds, Alberta. Previously, Jordan was the Chief Operating Officer at MYND Life Sciences and also held positions at Jordan Cleland Consulting, Olds College, WCB, Government of Alberta. Jordan received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Whitworth University.Explore more

Jordan Cleland Current Workplace

Jordan Cleland Consulting

2022-present (3 years)

Jordan Cleland Consulting provides expert advice and mission execution services tailored to the needs of clients. Their offerings include communications, advocacy and public relations, charitable fundraising, sponsorship marketing, one-on-one leadership coaching, organizational improvement, culture and climate facilitation, as well as website and social media auditing. The firm aims to work collaboratively with clients, sometimes executing tasks on their behalf. Their target clients include professionals and organizations seeking to enhance leadership capabilities and organizational effectiveness.

Jordan Cleland Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Chief Operating Officer

MYND Life Sciences



Jordan Cleland Consulting


Vice President, Advancement

Olds College


Manager, Government Relations





Bachelor of Arts

Whitworth University

Org Chart - Jordan Cleland Consulting

Profile Picture






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Recent News About Jordan Cleland

Web References
Web References
  • news feed 1


    2. "Teach a man to fish..." some communities, non-profit associations, sport and recreation associations engage Jordan Cleland to operate a half day f...
  • news feed 2


    Jordan Cleland is the President of Jordan Cleland Consulting . He does performance and leadership coaching, keynote and retreat speaking, fund develo...
  • news feed 3


    In a mostly-auto-biographical story of his second mid-life crisis at the age of 45, Jordan Cleland talks about his decision to leave an Executive role...
  • news feed 4


    Jordan Cleland is the President of Jordan Cleland Consulting . He does performance and leadership coaching, keynote and retreat speaking, fund develo...
  • news feed 5


    Jordan earned a Masters' in Leadership through Otago Polytechnic in New Zealand, and keynoted his leadership philosophy to a Post-Secondary Internatio...

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Jordan Cleland

What company does Jordan Cleland work for?
Jordan Cleland works for Jordan Cleland Consulting as President
What is Jordan Cleland’s role in Jordan Cleland Consulting?
Jordan Cleland’s role in Jordan Cleland Consulting is President
What is Jordan Cleland’s email address?
Jordan Cleland’s email address is j***
What is Jordan Cleland’s business email address?
Jordan Cleland’s business email address is j***
What is Jordan Cleland’s direct phone number?
Jordan Cleland’s direct phone number is (403) ***-****
What is Jordan Cleland’s work phone number?
Jordan Cleland’s headquarters phone number is (403) 559-6779
What is Jordan Cleland’s latest job experience?
Jordan Cleland’s latest job experience is Chief Operating Officer at MYND Life Sciences
What is Jordan Cleland’s latest education?
Jordan Cleland’s latest education in Bachelor of Arts at Whitworth University
Which industry does Jordan Cleland work in?
Jordan Cleland works in the industry of Management Consulting, Business Services.
Who are Jordan Cleland’s peers at other companies?
Jordan Cleland’s peers at other companies are Scott MacKnight, Beth Ronnenburg, Joseph Celentano, Barry Ashar, Tim Leiweke.
How can I contact Jordan Cleland?
Jordan Cleland contact details: Email address: j*** Phone number: (403) ***-****
Who is Jordan Cleland?

Jordan Cleland is the President at Jordan Cleland Consulting based in Olds, Alberta. Previously, Jordan was the Chief Operating Officer at MYND Life Sciences and also held positions at Jordan Cleland Consulting, Olds College, WCB, Government of Alberta. Jordan received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Whitworth University.... Read More

Where is Jordan Cleland based?
Jordan Cleland works for Jordan Cleland Consulting, located at Canada
Who is Jordan Cleland Consulting’s President?
Jordan Cleland Consulting's President is Jordan Cleland
See more information about Jordan Cleland

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