Jonestar Nonglait

Assistant Professor at Union Christian College

Jonestar Nonglait Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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Jonestar Nonglait Work Experience Summary

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About Jonestar Nonglait

Jonestar Nonglait works as a Assistant Professor at Union Christian College, which is a Colleges & Universities company with an estimated 5 employees. Jonestar is currently based in Meghalaya. They used to work at MBDA. Found email listings include: @uccollegemeghalaya.ac.in.Explore more

Jonestar Nonglait Current Workplace

Union Christian College

2012-present (13 years)

Established on the 14th of August 1952, Union Christian College is an Educational project of the North East India Christian Council (NEICC). For 67 years, the college has been quenching the academic thirst of all those who had come to seek wisdom and knowledge within its hallowed grounds and for this we must give thanks to the vision of our Founding Fathers. We are here because of what they did then. Jutting out into the Umiam Lake like a mini-peninsula, the sprawling 170-acre campus of the UCC sported tree-lined avenueshas homed generation after generation of students from across the North-eastern states of Assam, Manipur, Tripura, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Sikkim and Meghalaya and students from countries like South Africa, Uganda, Zambia, Somalia, Myanmar and Bangladesh. From a little acorn, it is now a towering oak, making steadfast progress on all fronts living up to its motto - 'Come to the living water'. A patch of beauty and grace in North East India, away from the mSee more

Jonestar Nonglait Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Intern Gis



Org Chart - Union Christian College


Assistant Professor




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Jonestar Nonglait

What company does Jonestar Nonglait work for?
Jonestar Nonglait works for Union Christian College as Assistant Professor
What is Jonestar Nonglait’s role in Union Christian College?
Jonestar Nonglait’s role in Union Christian College is Assistant Professor
What is Jonestar Nonglait’s email address?
Jonestar Nonglait’s email address is j***@uccollegemeghalaya.ac.in
What is Jonestar Nonglait’s business email address?
Jonestar Nonglait’s business email address is j***@uccollegemeghalaya.ac.in
What is Jonestar Nonglait’s direct phone number?
Jonestar Nonglait’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Jonestar Nonglait’s work phone number?
Jonestar Nonglait’s headquarters phone number is +91 9436707015
What is Jonestar Nonglait’s latest job experience?
Jonestar Nonglait’s latest job experience is Intern Gis at MBDA
Which industry does Jonestar Nonglait work in?
Jonestar Nonglait works in the industry of Colleges & Universities, Education.
Who are Jonestar Nonglait’s peers at other companies?
Jonestar Nonglait’s peers at other companies are Parisa Kalantari, Mariana Veiga Chetto Coutinho, Esteban Gershanik, Guillaume Durandau, Shahrazad Abu Ghazleh.
Who are Jonestar Nonglait’s colleagues?
Some of Jonestar Nonglait’s colleagues are Ashish Malhotra, R. Manih, Mercy Daimari, Kerlang Kharchandy.
How can I contact Jonestar Nonglait?
Jonestar Nonglait contact details: Email address: j***@uccollegemeghalaya.ac.in Phone number: (***) ***-****
Where is Jonestar Nonglait based?
Jonestar Nonglait works for Union Christian College, located at India
See more information about Jonestar Nonglait

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