2007-present (18 years)
Jonathan Urbanek Email & Phone number
Jonathan Urbanek Current Workplace
120 S La Salle St Ste 2100, Chicago, Illinois, 60603, United States
Phone Number
(312) 577-7000
Number of Employees
Jonathan Urbanek Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
1Average duration at a company (years)
18Number of job titles
1About Jonathan Urbanek
Jonathan Urbanek is an Attorney at Fitch Even based in Chicago, Illinois.
Jonathan received a Bachelor of Science degree degree from University of Michigan and a Juris Doctor degree from DePaul University College of Law.
Jonathan Urbanek Current Workplace
Fitch Even
Fitch, Even, Tabin & Flannery was founded in 1859 as Goodwin, Larned & Goodwin. Stephen A. Goodwin, Edwin C. Larned, and Daniel Goodwin, Jr. were active leaders in the larger circles of law in Illinois. They established a tradition of public service and of service to the legal profession that has continued in our firm to the present day. Although Fitch Even began as a general practice firm handling the gamut of civil, criminal, and admiralty matters, the firm soon developed its major concentration in the practice of intellectual property law. Generations later, we are Chicago's oldest law firm in continuous practice. The firm's attorneys have degrees in natural physical sciences or engineering and are versed in mechanical engineering, electronics, computer and Internet technologies, chemistry and chemical engineering, physics, nuclear energy, biology, and related fields. Throughout its long history, Fitch Even has played an instrumental role in protecting many important innovations andSee more
Jonathan Urbanek Work Experience & Education
Number of companies worked for
1Average duration at a company (years)
18Number of job titles
Bachelor of Science degree - Mechanical Engineering
University of MichiganJuris Doctor degree
DePaul University College of LawRecent News About Jonathan Urbanek
Jonathan H. Urbanek - Fitch, Even, Tabin & Flannery
Jonathan H. Urbanek IP Strategies for Every StageJonathan H. Urbanek - Fitch, Even, Tabin & Flannery
Jonathan H. Urbanek Jonathan Urbanek Jonathan H. Urbanek has a broadly based IP law practice focused on the preparation and prosecution of patent...Jonathan H. Urbanek - Fitch, Even, Tabin & Flannery
For more information on this topic, please contact Fitch Even partner Jonathan H. Urbanek , author of this alert. Jonathan Urbanek Partner Jonath...Patents+TMS�
Jon Urbanek - Summer Intern Jon Urbanek joined Patents+TMS in June 2006 after completing his first year of law school at DePaul University College of...
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Jonathan Urbanek
Jonathan Urbanek is an Attorney at Fitch Even based in Chicago, Illinois. Jonathan received a Bachelor of Science degree degree from University of Michigan and a Juris Doctor degree from DePaul University College of Law....