
Jonathan Urbanek

Attorney at Fitch Even

Jonathan Urbanek Email & Phone number


(312) ***-****

Jonathan Urbanek Current Workplace


Fitch Even


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Jonathan Urbanek Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Jonathan Urbanek

Jonathan Urbanek is an Attorney at Fitch Even based in Chicago, Illinois. Jonathan received a Bachelor of Science degree degree from University of Michigan and a Juris Doctor degree from DePaul University College of Law.

Jonathan Urbanek Current Workplace

Fitch Even

2007-present (18 years)

Fitch, Even, Tabin & Flannery was founded in 1859 as Goodwin, Larned & Goodwin. Stephen A. Goodwin, Edwin C. Larned, and Daniel Goodwin, Jr. were active leaders in the larger circles of law in Illinois. They established a tradition of public service and of service to the legal profession that has continued in our firm to the present day. Although Fitch Even began as a general practice firm handling the gamut of civil, criminal, and admiralty matters, the firm soon developed its major concentration in the practice of intellectual property law. Generations later, we are Chicago's oldest law firm in continuous practice. The firm's attorneys have degrees in natural physical sciences or engineering and are versed in mechanical engineering, electronics, computer and Internet technologies, chemistry and chemical engineering, physics, nuclear energy, biology, and related fields. Throughout its long history, Fitch Even has played an instrumental role in protecting many important innovations andSee more

Jonathan Urbanek Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles



Bachelor of Science degree - Mechanical Engineering

University of Michigan

Juris Doctor degree

DePaul University College of Law

Org Chart - Fitch Even

Jonathan Urbanek


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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Jonathan Urbanek

What company does Jonathan Urbanek work for?
Jonathan Urbanek works for Fitch Even as Attorney
What is Jonathan Urbanek’s role in Fitch Even?
Jonathan Urbanek’s role in Fitch Even is Attorney
What is Jonathan Urbanek’s email address?
Jonathan Urbanek’s email address is j***@fitcheven.com
What is Jonathan Urbanek’s business email address?
Jonathan Urbanek’s business email address is j***@fitcheven.com
What is Jonathan Urbanek’s direct phone number?
Jonathan Urbanek’s direct phone number is (312) ***-****
What is Jonathan Urbanek’s work phone number?
Jonathan Urbanek’s headquarters phone number is (312) 577-7000
What is Jonathan Urbanek’s latest education?
Jonathan Urbanek’s latest education in Bachelor of Science degree - Mechanical Engineering at University of Michigan
Which industry does Jonathan Urbanek work in?
Jonathan Urbanek works in the industry of Law Firms & Legal Services.
Who are Jonathan Urbanek’s peers at other companies?
Jonathan Urbanek’s peers at other companies are Samuel Schonhoffer, Marc Mucciolo, Marc Isaacson, Camille Guerra, Brian Rowlson.
Who are Jonathan Urbanek’s colleagues?
Some of Jonathan Urbanek’s colleagues are Jessica Flores, Annamarie Troutman, Gayle Marsh, Timothy Willette.
How can I contact Jonathan Urbanek?
Jonathan Urbanek contact details: Email address: j***@fitcheven.com Phone number: (312) ***-****
Who is Jonathan Urbanek?

Jonathan Urbanek is an Attorney at Fitch Even based in Chicago, Illinois. Jonathan received a Bachelor of Science degree degree from University of Michigan and a Juris Doctor degree from DePaul University College of Law....

Where is Jonathan Urbanek based?
Jonathan Urbanek works for Fitch Even, located at United States