
Johnny Resendiz

Manager, Warehouse at IOTEC (Integrated Office Technology)

Johnny Resendiz Email & Phone number


(562) ***-****

Johnny Resendiz Current Workplace



Number of Employees

About Johnny Resendiz

Johnny Resendiz is a Manager, Warehouse at IOTEC (Integrated Office Technology) based in Santa Fe Springs, California.

Johnny Resendiz Current Workplace

Integrated Office Technology (IOTEC) is a full-service business solutions provider. IOTEC specializes in the complete lines of Toshiba and Konica Minolta document imaging systems including digital copiers/printers (color and black/white), multi-functional devices as well as print management solutions, document storage, and retrieval systems. The company was founded in 2001 and is headquartered in Santa Fe Springs, California.

Org Chart - IOTEC (Integrated Office Technology)

Johnny Resendiz

Manager, Warehouse

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Johnny Resendiz

What company does Johnny Resendiz work for?
Johnny Resendiz works for IOTEC (Integrated Office Technology) as Manager, Warehouse
What is Johnny Resendiz’s role in IOTEC (Integrated Office Technology)?
Johnny Resendiz’s role in IOTEC (Integrated Office Technology) is Manager, Warehouse
What is Johnny Resendiz’s email address?
Johnny Resendiz’s email address is j***@iotecdigital.com
What is Johnny Resendiz’s business email address?
Johnny Resendiz’s business email address is j***@iotecdigital.com
What is Johnny Resendiz’s direct phone number?
Johnny Resendiz’s direct phone number is (562) ***-****
What is Johnny Resendiz’s work phone number?
Johnny Resendiz’s headquarters phone number is (562) 236-9200
Which industry does Johnny Resendiz work in?
Johnny Resendiz works in the industry of Software & Technical Consulting, Software.
Who are Johnny Resendiz’s peers at other companies?
Johnny Resendiz’s peers at other companies are Steven Long, George Randall, James Roberts, Adam Hatfield, Tom Hoban.
Who are Johnny Resendiz’s colleagues?
Some of Johnny Resendiz’s colleagues are Kiko Garcia, Lilia Magaña, Helen Zieman, Catherine Leone.
How can I contact Johnny Resendiz?
Johnny Resendiz contact details: Email address: j***@iotecdigital.com Phone number: (562) ***-****
Who is Johnny Resendiz?

Johnny Resendiz is a Manager, Warehouse at IOTEC (Integrated Office Technology) based in Santa Fe Springs, California....

Where is Johnny Resendiz based?
Johnny Resendiz works for IOTEC (Integrated Office Technology), located at United States