
John Yuill

Technology Technician at Portland Public Schools

John Yuill Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

John Yuill Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

John Yuill Work Experience Summary

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Number of job titles


About John Yuill

John Yuill is a driven IT professional skilled in hardware and software troubleshooting. Based in Portland, United States, they are currently a Technology Technician at Portland Public Schools, where they are responsible for maintaining and repairing the district's technology infrastructure.Prior to their current role, Yuill served as the District For Local School Technology Technician at Portland Public Schools, where they were in charge of overseeing the technology needs of individual schools within the district. Throughout their career, Yuill has demonstrated a strong commitment to ensuring the smooth and efficient operation of technology systems, contributing to the overall success of the schools they have served.Yuill holds the CompTIA Security+ certification, which further enhances their expertise in securing and protecting digital assets. With their extensive experience and dedication to their craft, Yuill continues to be a valuable asset to the Portland Public Schools communityRead more

John Yuill Current Workplace

Portland Public Schools

2022-present (3 years)

Portland Public Schools largest school system has 10 elementary schools, three middle schools and four high schools serving approximately 7,000 students in pre-kindergarten through grade 12 and more than 4,400 adult learners.

John Yuill Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Technical Service Representative II



Help Desk Technician

Information Innovators


Network Technician

Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe


Field Service Technician

Worldwide TechServices


Org Chart - Portland Public Schools


Technology Technician




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding John Yuill

What company does John Yuill work for?
John Yuill works for Portland Public Schools as Technology Technician
What is John Yuill’s role in Portland Public Schools?
John Yuill’s role in Portland Public Schools is Technology Technician
What is John Yuill’s email address?
John Yuill’s email address is j***@pps.net
What is John Yuill’s business email address?
John Yuill’s business email address is j***@pps.net
What is John Yuill’s direct phone number?
John Yuill’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is John Yuill’s work phone number?
John Yuill’s headquarters phone number is (207) 874-8100
What is John Yuill’s latest job experience?
John Yuill’s latest job experience is Technical Service Representative II at Peckham
Which industry does John Yuill work in?
John Yuill works in the industry of K-12 Schools, Education.
Who are John Yuill’s peers at other companies?
John Yuill’s peers at other companies are Frank Owens, Randall Haltom, Joshua Cameron, Michaela Stevens, Manny Diaz.
Who are John Yuill’s colleagues?
Some of John Yuill’s colleagues are James Terry, Timothy Carman, Jamie Voelker, Lizzie O'Leary.
How can I contact John Yuill?
John Yuill contact details: Email address: j***@pps.net Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is John Yuill?

John Yuill is a driven IT professional skilled in hardware and software troubleshooting. Based in Portland, United States, they are currently a Technology Technician at Portland Public Schools, where they are responsible for maintaining and repairing the district's technology infrastructure.Prior to their current role, Yuill served as the District... For Local School Technology Technician at Portland Public Schools, where they were in charge of overseeing the technology needs of individual schools within the district. Throughout their career, Yuill has demonstrated a strong commitment to ensuring the smooth and efficient operation of technology systems, contributing to the overall success of the schools they have served.Yuill holds the CompTIA Security+ certification, which further enhances their expertise in securing and protecting digital assets. With their extensive experience and dedication to their craft, Yuill continues to be a valuable asset to the Portland Public Schools community.Read More

Where is John Yuill based?
John Yuill works for Portland Public Schools, located at United States
See more information about John Yuill

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