
John Venhuizen

President & Chief Executive Officer at Ace Hardware

John Venhuizen Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

John Venhuizen Current Workplace



Number of Employees

John Venhuizen Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About John Venhuizen

John Venhuizen is a President & Chief Executive Officer at Ace Hardware based in Oak Brook, Illinois.

John Venhuizen Current Workplace

Ace Hardware

1991-present (33 years)

Founded in 1924 and headquartered in Oak Brook, Illinois, Ace Hardware is a retailer-owned hardware cooperative with locally owned and operated hardware stores across the United States.

John Venhuizen Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles



bachelor of science degree - Marketing

Trinity Christian College

Org Chart - Ace Hardware

John Venhuizen

President & Chief Executive Officer

Recent News About John Venhuizen

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding John Venhuizen

What company does John Venhuizen work for?
John Venhuizen works for Ace Hardware as President & Chief Executive Officer
What is John Venhuizen’s role in Ace Hardware?
John Venhuizen’s role in Ace Hardware is President & Chief Executive Officer
What is John Venhuizen’s email address?
John Venhuizen’s email address is j***@acehardware.com
What is John Venhuizen’s business email address?
John Venhuizen’s business email address is j***@acehardware.com
What is John Venhuizen’s direct phone number?
John Venhuizen’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is John Venhuizen’s work phone number?
John Venhuizen’s headquarters phone number is (630) 990-6600
Which industry does John Venhuizen work in?
John Venhuizen works in the industry of Home Improvement & Hardware Retail, Retail.
Who are John Venhuizen’s peers at other companies?
John Venhuizen’s peers at other companies are J. LeRoux, Richard Rast, Mike Green, Dan Tinker, Steven Collins.
Who are John Venhuizen’s colleagues?
Some of John Venhuizen’s colleagues are Frank Elkins, Kellie Martin, Dorothy Byrd, Cindy Salyers.
How can I contact John Venhuizen?
John Venhuizen contact details: Email address: j***@acehardware.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is John Venhuizen?

John Venhuizen is a President & Chief Executive Officer at Ace Hardware based in Oak Brook, Illinois....

Where is John Venhuizen based?
John Venhuizen works for Ace Hardware, located at United States
Who is Ace Hardware’s President & Chief Executive Officer?
Ace Hardware's President & Chief Executive Officer is John Venhuizen