1991-present (33 years)
John Venhuizen Email & Phone number
John Venhuizen Current Workplace
2915 Jorie Blvd, Oak Brook, Illinois, 60523, United States
(630) 990-6600
Number of Employees
John Venhuizen Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
1Average duration at a company (years)
33Number of job titles
1About John Venhuizen
John Venhuizen is a President & Chief Executive Officer at Ace Hardware based in Oak Brook, Illinois.
John Venhuizen Current Workplace
Ace Hardware
Founded in 1924 and headquartered in Oak Brook, Illinois, Ace Hardware is a retailer-owned hardware cooperative with locally owned and operated hardware stores across the United States.
John Venhuizen Work Experience & Education
Number of companies worked for
1Average duration at a company (years)
33Number of job titles
bachelor of science degree - Marketing
Trinity Christian College
Recent News About John Venhuizen
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding John Venhuizen
John Venhuizen is a President & Chief Executive Officer at Ace Hardware based in Oak Brook, Illinois....