
John Soriano

Account Officer at Wee Community Developers

John Soriano Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

John Soriano Current Workplace


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John Soriano Work Experience Summary

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About John Soriano

John Soriano is an Account Officer at Wee Community Developers based in San Juan Central Post Office, Bicol. Previously, John was a Junior Account Officer at PRO-FRIENDS.Explore more

John Soriano Current Workplace

Wee Community Developers

2021-present (3 years)

Located in the progressive city of Davao is a rare-find, exclusive gated subdivision made for an intimate neighbourhood The Diamond Heights. Only five minutes away from the Davao airport, this project offering will rise on a fast developing area, fit for Davaos up and coming, prestigious community. Diamond Heights, The Brilliant Gem of the South. The Baron LVXE Residences is a modern and plush condominium set to rise in a quiet and peaceful neighborhood of M. Marcos Street, Brgy. Maytunas, San Juan a low density residential neighborhood ideal for raising a family. It is also just a few kilometers away from schools, hospitals and various dining options along P. Gueverra and Wilson Street. High Street Mansions sits at the heart of Davao City. It is a 1,704.00 square meter development that is highly exclusive with only Twenty Three (23) Townhouse Units. Excellently planned, the house layout maximizes the space needed by contemporary Filipino families and more. Tucked away in the beautifulSee more

John Soriano Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Junior Account Officer



Org Chart - Wee Community Developers


Account Officer




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding John Soriano

What company does John Soriano work for?
John Soriano works for Wee Community Developers as Account Officer
What is John Soriano’s role in Wee Community Developers?
John Soriano’s role in Wee Community Developers is Account Officer
What is John Soriano’s email address?
John Soriano’s email address is j***@profriends.com
What is John Soriano’s business email address?
John Soriano’s business email address is j***@profriends.com
What is John Soriano’s direct phone number?
John Soriano’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is John Soriano’s work phone number?
John Soriano’s headquarters phone number is +63 9274669128
What is John Soriano’s latest job experience?
John Soriano’s latest job experience is Junior Account Officer at PRO-FRIENDS
Which industry does John Soriano work in?
John Soriano works in the industry of Real Estate.
Who are John Soriano’s peers at other companies?
John Soriano’s peers at other companies are Kristy Grigg, Raymund Navalesca, Rukayyah Murtala, Rana Ul Hassan, Ainscia Bain.
Who are John Soriano’s colleagues?
Some of John Soriano’s colleagues are Ana Cenarosa, Xander Magno, Anthony Munda, Vincent Alegre.
How can I contact John Soriano?
John Soriano contact details: Email address: j***@profriends.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is John Soriano?

John Soriano is an Account Officer at Wee Community Developers based in San Juan Central Post Office, Bicol. Previously, John was a Junior Account Officer at PRO-FRIENDS.... Read More

Where is John Soriano based?
John Soriano works for Wee Community Developers, located at Philippines
See more information about John Soriano

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