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Last Update 10/8/2024 6:21 AM
About John Slaven
John Slaven is the Chief Executive Officer at Vedanta Aluminium based in Bhubaneshwar, Odisha.John Slaven Work Experience & Education
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Management Committee of Vedanta Aluminium
During the company's maiden participation at COP28 in Dubai, CEO Mr. John Slaven underscored the increasing role of aluminium in enabling sustainable ...MagicWandMedia | Vedanta Aluminium Secures Seventh BIS Certification for BALCO Unit Products
Speaking about Vedanta Aluminium 's focus on quality excellence, John Slaven , CEO, Vedanta Aluminium, commented, "At Vedanta Aluminium, our focus is ...Vedanta Aluminium unveils #TheFutureOfMetAL campaign on the occasion of Women's Day |
Sharing his views, Mr. John Slaven , CEO, Vedanta Aluminium said, "At Vedanta Aluminium, we are building an environment primed for high performance an...Vedanta Aluminium partners with IORA for ecological conservation - MGS Architecture
Commenting on the partnership, John Slaven , CEO, Vedanta Aluminium , said, "At Vedanta Aluminium, we are integrating sustainability into every aspect...
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding John Slaven
John Slaven is the Chief Executive Officer at Vedanta Aluminium based in Bhubaneshwar, Odisha.... Read More