John Rea

Senior VP, Manufacturing, Engineering, Operations at Lumenergi

John Rea Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

John Rea Current Workplace





Number of Employees

About John Rea

John Rea is a Senior VP, Manufacturing, Engineering, Operations at Lumenergi based in Newark, California.

John Rea Current Workplace


2023-present (1 year)

탑텐슬롯은 안전한 메이저 온라인슬롯커뮤니티로, 인기 있는 슬롯게임사이트입니다. 다양한 온라인슬롯게임 포트폴리오를 제공하고 있습니다.

Org Chart - Lumenergi

John Rea

Senior VP, Manufacturing, Engineeri...

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding John Rea

What company does John Rea work for?
John Rea works for Lumenergi as Senior VP, Manufacturing, Engineering, Operations
What is John Rea’s role in Lumenergi?
John Rea’s role in Lumenergi is Senior VP, Manufacturing, Engineering, Operations
What is John Rea’s email address?
John Rea’s email address is j***
What is John Rea’s business email address?
John Rea’s business email address is j***
What is John Rea’s direct phone number?
John Rea’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is John Rea’s work phone number?
John Rea’s headquarters phone number is (510) 744-1100
Which industry does John Rea work in?
John Rea works in the industry of Electronics, Manufacturing.
Who are John Rea’s colleagues?
Some of John Rea’s colleagues are Irene Tan, Edward Kost, Bryan Craven, Tim Parry.
How can I contact John Rea?
John Rea contact details: Email address: j*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is John Rea?

John Rea is a Senior VP, Manufacturing, Engineering, Operations at Lumenergi based in Newark, California....

Where is John Rea based?
John Rea works for Lumenergi, located at United States