2015-present (10 years)
John Raya Email & Phone number
John Raya Current Workplace
9182 Stellar Ct, Corona, California, 92883, United States
Phone Number
(951) 737-4436
Number of Employees
John Raya Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
2Average duration at a company (years)
7Number of job titles
2About John Raya
John Raya is an Executive VP, Business Development at Infinity Plumbing Designs based in Corona, California.
Previously, John was a Director, Business Development at Hope Builders.
John Raya Current Workplace
Infinity Plumbing Designs
The Infinity Plumbing Designs, Inc. story is a story of an unwavering commitment to quality. Whether we're doing new construction plumbing, installing additional fixtures and systems after a home has been built, or just out on a standard service call, you can rely on the fact that we'll get the job done right. At Infinity Plumbing Designs, Inc. we're proud of our reputation for this commitment to quality. We even do extensive research, including using our own in-house failure rate analysis studies, to ensure the parts we use will perform well over the long-term for you. Our people are experts at their work. For example, our Service Technicians are not just clean, prompt and courteous. They are all plumbers with years of experience in all aspects of plumbing, from installation to repair, and they are continually trained on the most innovative plumbing products. In addition, our entire company is managed by a team of highly trained professionals who are dedicated to making our organizatiSee more
John Raya Work Experience & Education
Recent News About John Raya
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding John Raya
John Raya is an Executive VP, Business Development at Infinity Plumbing Designs based in Corona, California. Previously, John was a Director, Business Development at Hope Builders....