2013-present (11 years)
John Matlick Email & Phone number
John Matlick Current Workplace
424 Halifax Bay Ct, Apollo Beach, Florida, 33572, United States
Phone Number
(813) 758-3007
Number of Employees
John Matlick Work Experience Summary
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4Number of job titles
4About John Matlick
John Matlick is the Chief Executive Officer at K10 Technologies based in Apollo Beach, Florida.
Previously, John was the Chief Executive Officer at K10 Technologies and also held positions at Video-it.
John Matlick Current Workplace
K10 Technologies
K10 Technologies specializes in meeting with customers and fully understanding and documenting the business operations of the customer and based on those business operation requirements will design and implement a cost effective, functional IT solution that will grow along with the customer's needs over time. K10 Technologies' motto is "Simply IT" because that is our focus. The K10 Technologies Mission Statement is to provide the highest quality IT services to small to medium sized businesses in the Tampa Bay Florida area. K10 Technologies puts Information Technology to work for you.
John Matlick Work Experience & Education
Recent News About John Matlick
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Attendees learned more about the major health issues plaguing the globe, and possible solutions the global healthcare industry has to offer from John ...VIP PREVIEW GALA NIGHT: Subconscious Communication/Biological Instinct by Nikki Anand | artAngels
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Also included in this eNewsletter is another member contribution from John Matlick , Chief Science Officer of CVT Technology, featuring in-depth analy...
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding John Matlick
John Matlick is the Chief Executive Officer at K10 Technologies based in Apollo Beach, Florida. Previously, John was the Chief Executive Officer at K10 Technologies and also held positions at Video-it....