John FriedrichsA

John Friedrichs

President at Premier Dental Concepts

John Friedrichs Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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John Friedrichs Work Experience Summary

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About John Friedrichs

John Friedrichs is the President at Premier Dental Concepts based in Andover, Massachusetts. Previously, John was the Owner at WellConsulted and also held positions at ChiroNut. John received a undergraduate degree degree from University of Wisconsin-Whitewater.Explore more

John Friedrichs Current Workplace

Premier Dental Concepts

2022-present (3 years)

Premier Dental Concepts of Andover, led by Dr. Peter Wojtkun and Dr. Kathy Sendek, provides comprehensive cosmetic and family dentistry services. With over thirty years of experience, they offer a one-stop solution for general and cosmetic dental needs, focusing on quality care in a modern, state-of-the-art environment. The practice emphasizes patient comfort and utilizes the latest dental technology, including Invisalign clear braces. Their dedicated team ensures that every patient receives attentive and friendly service throughout their dental experience.

John Friedrichs Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience




Chief Executive Officer

Second Opinion Spine Care


Chief Executive Officer



Owner and Clinic Director

Wisconsin Spinal Rehabilitation Center, S.C.




undergraduate degree

University of Wisconsin-Whitewater


Org Chart - Premier Dental Concepts

Profile Picture






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding John Friedrichs

What company does John Friedrichs work for?
John Friedrichs works for Premier Dental Concepts as President
What is John Friedrichs’s role in Premier Dental Concepts?
John Friedrichs’s role in Premier Dental Concepts is President
What is John Friedrichs’s direct phone number?
John Friedrichs’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is John Friedrichs’s work phone number?
John Friedrichs’s headquarters phone number is (978) 475-1030
What is John Friedrichs’s latest job experience?
John Friedrichs’s latest job experience is Owner at WellConsulted
What is John Friedrichs’s latest education?
John Friedrichs’s latest education in undergraduate degree at University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Which industry does John Friedrichs work in?
John Friedrichs works in the industry of Hospitals & Clinics, Healthcare.
Who are John Friedrichs’s peers at other companies?
John Friedrichs’s peers at other companies are Thomas Leischner, Jerem Pitt, Farhad Roozbeh, Bill Stein, Bill Colp.
Who are John Friedrichs’s colleagues?
Some of John Friedrichs’s colleagues are Dawn-Marie Fuller, Karin Molino.
Who is John Friedrichs?

John Friedrichs is the President at Premier Dental Concepts based in Andover, Massachusetts. Previously, John was the Owner at WellConsulted and also held positions at ChiroNut. John received a undergraduate degree degree from University of Wisconsin-Whitewater.... Read More

Where is John Friedrichs based?
John Friedrichs works for Premier Dental Concepts, located at United States
Who is Premier Dental Concepts’s President?
Premier Dental Concepts's President is John Friedrichs
See more information about John Friedrichs

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