John Cournoyer

Psychotherapist at Dr Quintal & Associates

John Cournoyer Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

John Cournoyer Current Workplace


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John Cournoyer Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About John Cournoyer

John Cournoyer is a Psychotherapist at Dr Quintal & Associates. Previously, he worked as a Psychotherapist with Manatee Glens. Cournoyer holds a Bachelor's degree from Syracuse University, where he honed his expertise in the field of mental health. In his current role, he is responsible for providing compassionate and evidence-based therapy to his clients, helping them navigate their personal challenges and achieve their well-being goals.Explore more

John Cournoyer Current Workplace

Dr Quintal & Associates

2011-present (13 years)

At Dr. Quintal & Associates, our mission is to provide confidential, personalized service and positive solutions to your personal problems and concerns. With our experience and knowledge, we can apply a variety of therapeutic methods specifically tailored for you to resolve your issues in the shortest period of time. We help you to define your goals for reaching your fullest potential then teach you the strategies necessary to meet them and successfully manage life's challenges. Our team of therapists are constantly educating themselves to seek more ways to provide support, resolutions and information to encourage your personal growth and positive well-being.

John Cournoyer Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience


Manatee Glens


Counseling Intern

Manatee County School District


Mental Health Counseling Intern

Child Protection Center,, Inc.




Bachelor's degree

Syracuse University

Master's degree - Mental Health Counseling

Argosy University

Org Chart - Dr Quintal & Associates






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding John Cournoyer

What company does John Cournoyer work for?
John Cournoyer works for Dr Quintal & Associates as Psychotherapist
What is John Cournoyer’s role in Dr Quintal & Associates?
John Cournoyer’s role in Dr Quintal & Associates is Psychotherapist
What is John Cournoyer’s email address?
John Cournoyer’s email address is j***@drquintal.com
What is John Cournoyer’s business email address?
John Cournoyer’s business email address is j***@drquintal.com
What is John Cournoyer’s direct phone number?
John Cournoyer’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is John Cournoyer’s work phone number?
John Cournoyer’s headquarters phone number is (941) 907-0525
What is John Cournoyer’s latest job experience?
John Cournoyer’s latest job experience is Psychotherapist at Manatee Glens
What is John Cournoyer’s latest education?
John Cournoyer’s latest education in Bachelor's degree at Syracuse University
Which industry does John Cournoyer work in?
John Cournoyer works in the industry of Hospitals & Clinics, Healthcare.
Who are John Cournoyer’s peers at other companies?
John Cournoyer’s peers at other companies are Zahra Mirsepassi, Barbara Somerville, Samantha Zhu, Jana Wesson-Martin, Juliette Consigny.
Who are John Cournoyer’s colleagues?
Some of John Cournoyer’s colleagues are Damaris Vandy, Dana Spuck, Carrieli Pomeroy, Richard White.
How can I contact John Cournoyer?
John Cournoyer contact details: Email address: j***@drquintal.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is John Cournoyer?

John Cournoyer is a Psychotherapist at Dr Quintal & Associates. Previously, he worked as a Psychotherapist with Manatee Glens. Cournoyer holds a Bachelor's degree from Syracuse University, where he honed his expertise in the field of mental health. In his current role, he is responsible for providing compassionate and evidence-based therapy to his... clients, helping them navigate their personal challenges and achieve their well-being goals.Read More

Where is John Cournoyer based?
John Cournoyer works for Dr Quintal & Associates, located at United States
See more information about John Cournoyer

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