John Clark

Senior Minister at Converse Church of Christ

John Clark Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

John Clark Current Workplace



Number of Employees

John Clark Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About John Clark

John Clark is a Senior Minister at Converse Church of Christ based in Converse, Indiana. Previously, John was a Fanning Howey University Dean at Fanning Howey. John received a Bachelor of church music degree from Johnson University and a Master of Business Administration from Indiana Wesleyan University.

John Clark Current Workplace

Converse Church of Christ

2013-present (12 years)

Converse Church of Christ is a welcoming community where individuals can connect with Jesus, engage in fellowship, and utilize their talents for the glory of God. They provide authentic encounters with Christ and invite everyone to join their Sunday services. The church also offers various ministries for different age groups including C3 Kids, C3 Students, and Life Groups. Reach them at 301 E. Wabash St. Converse, IN 46919 or call (765) 395-3361 for more information.

John Clark Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Fanning Howey University Dean

Fanning Howey




Bachelor of church music - music

Johnson University

Master of Business Administration - MBA

Indiana Wesleyan University

Org Chart - Converse Church of Christ

John Clark

Senior Minister

Recent News About John Clark

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding John Clark

What company does John Clark work for?
John Clark works for Converse Church of Christ as Senior Minister
What is John Clark’s role in Converse Church of Christ?
John Clark’s role in Converse Church of Christ is Senior Minister
What is John Clark’s email address?
John Clark’s email address is j***@conversechurch.org
What is John Clark’s business email address?
John Clark’s business email address is j***@conversechurch.org
What is John Clark’s direct phone number?
John Clark’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is John Clark’s work phone number?
John Clark’s headquarters phone number is (765) 395-3361
What is John Clark’s latest job experience?
John Clark’s latest job experience is Fanning Howey University Dean at Fanning Howey
What is John Clark’s latest education?
John Clark’s latest education in Bachelor of church music - music at Johnson University
Which industry does John Clark work in?
John Clark works in the industry of Religious Organizations, Organizations.
Who are John Clark’s peers at other companies?
John Clark’s peers at other companies are Bob Cooper, Chris Dowd, David Strain, Andrew Gunton, Rich Wenden.
Who are John Clark’s colleagues?
Some of John Clark’s colleagues are Jenny Travis, Shane Tracy, Connie Percifield, Yonda Grinslade.
How can I contact John Clark?
John Clark contact details: Email address: j***@conversechurch.org Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is John Clark?

John Clark is a Senior Minister at Converse Church of Christ based in Converse, Indiana. Previously, John was a Fanning Howey University Dean at Fanning Howey. John received a Bachelor of church music degree from Johnson University and a Master of Business Administration from Indiana Wesleyan University....

Where is John Clark based?
John Clark works for Converse Church of Christ, located at United States