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Commercial Record - Banking & Lending Comings & Goings
The board of directors of Webster Financial Corp. promoted John R. Ciulla to president of the bank and bank holding company, and appointed him to the ...CBIA Leadership | CT Board of Directors, Team & Staff Contacts - CBIA
John Ciulla (Vice Chair) President Webster Bank , StamfordWebster Financial Corp. - Investor Relations - Management Team
John �R.�Ciulla Executive Vice President, Middle Market, Webster Bank, N.A.
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding John Ciulla
John R. Ciulla is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Webster Financial Corporation (NYSE: WBS) and Chairman, President and CEO of Webster Bank. Webster is a leading commercial bank with more than $70 billion in assets. John joined Webster in 2004 as senior vice president for Middle Market Banking and has held several executive managemen... Read More