
John Chee

Senior Sales Engineer at Worldwidepolymer

John Chee Email & Phone number

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+65 **** ****

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About John Chee

John Chee is a Senior Sales Engineer at Worldwidepolymer.Explore more

John Chee Current Workplace


2022-present (3 years)

For more than 30 years, Worldwide Polymerics has been the exclusive distributor for Belzona products in Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei. We emphasize strongly on customer service where meeting their needs is of paramount importance. Belzona, established in the U.K. in 1952, to provide corrosion protection have since grown into a market leader, providing industrial protective coatings and repair composites. Belzona has been awarded the BS EN ISO 9002 standard that ensures its range of products meet with all current regulations with respect to health and safety, environment, regulatory and transportation requirements. From small businesses to major industries, i.e. power plants, shipyards, manufacturing plants, oil and petrochemical industries etc, we have helped solve critical problems yet lowering maintenance costs, reducing downtime, preventing loss whilst increasing efficiency and productivity. At Worldwide Polymerics, we have a team of highly trained and experienced NACE certified inSee more

Org Chart - Worldwidepolymer


Senior Sales Engineer




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding John Chee

What company does John Chee work for?
John Chee works for Worldwidepolymer as Senior Sales Engineer
What is John Chee’s role in Worldwidepolymer?
John Chee’s role in Worldwidepolymer is Senior Sales Engineer
What is John Chee’s email address?
John Chee’s email address is j***@worldwidepolymer.com
What is John Chee’s business email address?
John Chee’s business email address is j***@worldwidepolymer.com
What is John Chee’s direct phone number?
John Chee’s direct phone number is +65 **** ****
Which industry does John Chee work in?
John Chee works in the industry of Architecture, Engineering & Design, Construction.
Who are John Chee’s peers at other companies?
John Chee’s peers at other companies are Khaled Ahmad, Kathy Nygaard, Lowe Lam, Tareq Khallawi, Karim Saeed.
Who are John Chee’s colleagues?
Some of John Chee’s colleagues are Lin Saw, Gerald Law, Thomas Teu.
How can I contact John Chee?
John Chee contact details: Email address: j***@worldwidepolymer.com Phone number: +65 **** ****
Who is John Chee?

John Chee is a Senior Sales Engineer at Worldwidepolymer.... Read More

Where is John Chee based?
John Chee works for Worldwidepolymer, located at Singapore
See more information about John Chee

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