2013-present (12 years)
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John Besel Current Workplace
807 Mantoloking Rd 2033, Brick, New Jersey, 08723, United States
Phone Number
(732) 920-8860
Number of Employees
John Besel Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
2Average duration at a company (years)
8Number of job titles
2Last Update 12/3/2024 12:32 AM
About John Besel
John Besel is a Tsr at Childhood Leukemia Foundation based in Brick, New Jersey.
John received a Bachelor of Classical and Ancient Studies degree from Indiana University Bloomington.
John Besel Current Workplace
Childhood Leukemia Foundation
Childhood Leukemia Foundation was founded in 1992 to educate and empower children 21 years or younger diagnosed with all forms of cancer. Childhood Leukemia Foundation's programs increase self-esteem, and give children the opportunity to have fun experiences and be better able to cope with cancer. Since inception, Childhood Leukemia Foundation has strived to maximize the effectiveness of its programs by developing new strategies to meet the needs of children with cancer, as well as refining existing programs based on feedback from children, parents and health professionals. Throughout the years Childhood Leukemia Foundation has maintained and expanded its hospital network to include more than 250 hospitals in major cities across the United States.
John Besel Work Experience & Education
Number of companies worked for
2Average duration at a company (years)
8Number of job titles
2Work Experience
Owner Operator
Grateful Paws2007-2012
Bachelor of Classical and Ancient Studies
Indiana University BloomingtonOrg Chart - Childhood Leukemia Foundation
John Besel
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding John Besel
John Besel is a Tsr at Childhood Leukemia Foundation based in Brick, New Jersey. John received a Bachelor of Classical and Ancient Studies degree from Indiana University Bloomington....