
John Bakker

Service Manager at Regal Packaging Services

John Bakker Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

John Bakker Current Workplace



Number of Employees

About John Bakker

John Bakker is a Service Manager at Regal Packaging Services based in Elmhurst, Illinois.

John Bakker Current Workplace

Regal Packaging Services

2016-present (8 years)

Regal Packaging Services is a family-owned company specializing in contamination detection and quality inspection. They offer sales and service for Fortress Metal Detectors and represent Balanced Coil Technology, providing a range of products including metal detector and X-ray system verification test pieces available at the Testrods site. Their services include metal detector audits, rentals, and custom solutions tailored to various industries. Regal aims to serve clients interested in effective contaminant detection and quality inspection systems.

Org Chart - Regal Packaging Services

John Bakker

Service Manager

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding John Bakker

What company does John Bakker work for?
John Bakker works for Regal Packaging Services as Service Manager
What is John Bakker’s role in Regal Packaging Services?
John Bakker’s role in Regal Packaging Services is Service Manager
What is John Bakker’s email address?
John Bakker’s email address is j***@regalpack.com
What is John Bakker’s business email address?
John Bakker’s business email address is j***@regalpack.com
What is John Bakker’s direct phone number?
John Bakker’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is John Bakker’s work phone number?
John Bakker’s headquarters phone number is (630) 942-8461
Which industry does John Bakker work in?
John Bakker works in the industry of Plastic, Packaging & Containers, Manufacturing.
Who are John Bakker’s peers at other companies?
John Bakker’s peers at other companies are Marco Justen, Sherman Chip, Sean Tobin, Chance Cawthorn, Linda Cheng.
Who are John Bakker’s colleagues?
Some of John Bakker’s colleagues are Steven Usedom, Tim Engbers, Colin Dubois, Kei Loerop.
How can I contact John Bakker?
John Bakker contact details: Email address: j***@regalpack.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is John Bakker?

John Bakker is a Service Manager at Regal Packaging Services based in Elmhurst, Illinois....

Where is John Bakker based?
John Bakker works for Regal Packaging Services, located at United States